
Ryan & Felicia

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who will be walking down the isle with us!

Ryan Armbrustmacher


Felicia Hinojosa


Michael Petterson

Best Man

I’m Michael Petterson and Ryan has had the privilege of being both my friend for the last six years, and COVID housemate for two of those years! Ryan and I always manage to have a good laugh whether that be around a campfire, staring at a hole in a frozen lake, or fixing rickety coffee tables during spring cleaning. We’ve shared godly experiences like several men’s retreats…and some ungodly ones involving a case of Hamm’s and a Wii remote. Through it all, our friendship has grown closer and stronger. When not losing to Ryan in Mariokart, you can find me with my nose in a book frantically trying to survive med school in…gag…Ohio. I’m honored to stand beside him as he marries his best friend!

Emily Wittrup

Maid of Honor

Hello, Hello! I'm Emily, and I'm thrilled to be standing by the side of two of my closest friends on their special day. From their first days at the University of Michigan to their surprise engagement party, I’ve had a front row seat to their beautiful love story. In addition to physically sharing a bedroom wall with Felicia for 2 years, I’ve had the pleasure of teaching catechism classes with her, spending countless hours dancing, going on wild, sometimes slightly sketchy adventures, and having heart-to-hearts on the couch. I don’t know what I’d do without her steady friendship, laughter, and love in my life. We have always brought the best out of each other which usually results in devouring some form of bread at 11pm on a Friday. When I’m not third wheeling Ryan and Felicia I’m hiking, traveling, or preparing for retirement by learning to golf and knit. I can’t wait to celebrate this amazing couple and dance the night away!

Lorenso Hinojosa


Hi, I’m Lorenso Hinojosa Felicia’s brother. When Ryan told me that he was planning on asking my sister to marry him this past summer, my first thought was: about time! I’m ecstatic to be gaining a new family member. Over the years of Ryan and Felicia dating, we have grown closer together, Ryan and I. Over the few years of knowing Ryan, I’ve come to really look to Ryan for advice and guidance like a big brother; although I’m still confused at how he managed to convince me that jumping into lake Michigan at 8 in the morning was a good idea. Together we have faced hardships, mainly moving my sister and all her many belongings. Her most recent move being the worse due to her apartment being at the top of 3 narrow flights of stairs. We valiantly fought our way through mounds of furniture and boxes for the sacred pizza reward waiting at the end. Now I look forward to having a big brother in arms keeping my sister in check and from her usual shenanigans.

Mal Armbrustmacher


I’m Mal, Ryan’s older sister. I’m so very excited to be gaining Felicia as a sister! Ryan and I have always had a very close relationship so I was a little nervous when he and Felicia started dating, but Felicia has only strengthened that bond. Having two engineers as siblings is great because they help me problem solve—that is, when I understand what they they’re talking about! I knew Felicia was a good one when she’d stay out on the dance floor all night at weddings with me (she’s able to drag Ryan out there too). We bond over our love for Taylor Swift, White Claws, and bossing Ryan around in the kitchen. Felicia and Ryan are always willing to put up with my shenanigans and talk me out of them when necessary. I work in HR and spend most of my free time out of the house hanging out with friends or cooking. I can’t wait to gain the sister I always wanted!

Kevin Schafer


Hi I’m Kevin Schafer, As Ryan’s first cousin, him and I have practically grown up together. From all those times spent together building forts and splitting wood at the cottage to the intense headshots allowed nerf gun fights in the basement at family parties he and I have become brothers over the years. Whenever Ryan and I are together there is never such thing as a bad idea, from “accidentally” making a grenade out of a beer bottle to sharpening our wands when playing Harry Potter, we have amassed quite the collection of memories over the years. When Ryan and I are not tearing up the lake waterskiing or sharing an ice cold beer I can be found hunting, underwriting insurance, or spending quality time with my family. I am so excited to celebrate the soon to be Mr. And Mrs. Armbrustmacher, and can’t wait for the new memories we will make with Felicia at your side!

Cecilia Rivet


Hello! My name is Cecilia and I have had the privilege of knowing both Felicia and Ryan before they became lovebirds. I like to think that I knew the two were going to date even before they did. After our freshman year alternative spring break trip together, Ryan admitted to me he had a crush on Felicia in the South Quad Dining Hall. I was there from the beginning to witness the awkward dancing at the subsequent St. Mary’s formal! To say that I was overjoyed and unsurprised to see Felicia and Ryan begin dating is an understatement. When I’m not gushing over how incredible I think the soon to be newlyweds are, I like to spend my time outdoors serving at L’Arche Tacoma farm and gardens in Washington!

Travis Dantzer


I'm Travis "Tiny" Dantzer, and I'm widely acknowledged to be Ryan's nerdiest friend. I like learning math, playing board games that take a half hour to explain, and jamming out on a smorgasbord of musical contraptions including the (never too loud) squeezebox. While I met Ryan six or seven years ago, our friendship deepened a lot around March 2020 when we were cooped up for over a year of eating free Little Caesars and playing Mario kart together. We've shared great times: rucking before the sun is up, in winter, for some reason; going ice fishing, and climbing trees around campus. In addition to all the fun, Ryan has been a huge positive influence on me, accompanying and advising me through many difficult experiences and decisions. Having lived with Ryan most of the past four years, I'm sad to see him off the roommate market. But I get great joy from seeing how much Ryan enjoys the company of his new forever roommate Felicia.

Helena Campillejo


Hi!! I'm Helena, and maybe you think I'm crazy to come all the way from Spain to Felicia and Ryan's wedding. But the crazy girl was Felicia when, after meeting me for just two days, she agreed to come with me to the final basketball game of the season. Felicia not only opened me the doors of the house (the Abbey), she also let me get into her life. She knew I was leaving in a couple of months, but she couldn't care less. Just like that she became my best friend and my sister soup (Felicia's soup is famous all over Spain now). She introduced me to Ryan, and Ryan turn to be an incredible boy who loves, respects and takes care of her in every way possible. So dates became to be for three: pizza tuesdays, cooking, movies, walking, mass and breakfest... I always say that I went to the University of Michigan to learn, but was Felicia who teached me some of the most importanat values in life indeed. I work as a study coordinator at the hospital while pursuing my doctoral degree in cancer survival. If I'm not at the hospital or studying, I love be spending quality time with friends and family or travelling. I didn't lie when I said goodbye to Felicia's parents "I'll see you at Felicia's wedding," ask Felicia his reaction, it's a pretty funny story. Now that the moment has come, here I am and I can't wait to be right beside them on the most special day ever. Like we say in Spain: "VIVAN LOS NOVIOS!"

Luis Hinojosa

Father of the Bride

Rochelle Hinojosa

Mother of the Bride

Ken Armbrustmacher

Father of the Groom

Cindy Armbrustmacher

Mother of the Groom

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