March 23, 2024 3:45 pm
There will be an arranged shuttle for all guests leaving promptly from the Residence Inn Hotel parking lot (outside the AC/Residence Inn/Canopy) at 3:45 PM. The bus will arrive at 3:15 PM to start loading people onboard. Please do not be late if you are intending to take the shuttle as it will not hold for anyone to ensure arrival on time for the ceremony. This shuttle will also leave from the venue at 8:30 PM returning to the hotel parking lot, and again at the end of the evening 11 PM returning to the hotel parking lot. If you prefer to use Uber/Lyft/Taxi over the arranged transportation, we recommend pre-scheduling service for pick-up from the venue as it is in a small town. Please note that if you drive, you cannot leave your car or rental car at the venue overnight. If you think there is a chance you will not be able to drive after the wedding, we encourage you to schedule a rideshare or take the arranged transportation. Thank you! Available Services: Uber, Lyft, eCarra, Denton County Taxi, Frisco Taxi Cab
2400 Aviation Dr, DFW Airport, TX 75261
8008 Herb Kelleher Way, Dallas, TX 75235 Note: For our Southwest enthusiasts, this is their Dallas hub and most likely the airport you are flying in and out of
15% off booking code valid through Dec 31, 2023. Please book before then to ensure the discounted rate of stay This is the hotel that we recommend you stay in and where we will be arranging transportation if you would like to use it. There are two additional hotels next door that you can choose from to use the transportation as well!
Attached to AC Hotel 15% off booking code valid through Dec 31, 2023. Please book before then to ensure the discounted rate of stay. Transportation can be taken from this hotel as well
Transportation can be taken from this hotel as well