Are you ready to CELEBRATE?!
(sorry for all the caps) PARKING AT THE VENUE IS BY PARKING PERMIT ONLY! If you are driving in the day of, staying at an AirBnB, and not staying at a venue listed below, we have you marked as parking at the venue.
For our guests staying at the Microtel, Days Inn, and Best Value Inn, a shuttle has been organized so you can maximize your celebration and not have to worry about the end of the evening.
Shuttles times and sign ups can be found at the following link. There will be two shuttles operating each taking two trips to get you to the venue and then a single bus will run return loops back at 9:00. 10:00, and 11:00.
Please sign up and stick to your signup time as two buses cannot carry everyone to the venue with just a half hour to go before our ceremony begins