CDC recommends mask wearing by all individuals when indoors in regions with substantial or high rates of COVID transmission. Currently, Hamilton County (Cincinnati) has moderate rates of transmission, below the CDC threshold for masking recommendations. Nevertheless, those wishing to mask up for the safety of themselves and others are encouraged to do so. A portion of the Cathedral will be reserved for those wishing to maintain social distancing. Social distancing will be more difficult at the reception, but the Ault Park Pavilion is an outdoor venue. We will be underneath open-air tents with fans running to increase air circulation.
We are blessed with large families and many friends whom we hold dear, and it is important to us that we are able to extend invitations to as many of them as possible. To that end, please limit attendance to those individuals named on your invitation. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
We don't have a dress code, but we encourage you to consider the dignity of a cathedral Mass and the weather conditions at our outdoor reception.
Cathedral: Free parking is available in two lots adjacent to the Cathedral at 7th & Plum and 7th & Central. Both lots are operated by Park Place Parking with signage indicating a $6.00 charge; these signs can be disregarded. Ault Park: There is abundant free street parking within steps of the Pavilion on Observatory Avenue.