
Annie & Daniel

    The Wedding Party

The Wedding Party

Daniel Aaron Krawczyk


Annie About Daniel, To my once missing piece, my best friend, and my deepest love, you are truly the most beautiful and loving soul I have ever met. You’ve come into my life and helped me to realize my own potential and self worth. It wasn’t until I met you, that I felt truly capable of being loved by someone. Thank you for showing me what true love is and how much it can consume your entire soul. I cannot begin to explain the joy and love I feel knowing I will soon be able to call you my husband. I loved you then, I love you now, and I will love you always. Your soon to be wife, Annie

Chris Krawczyk

Best Man

Groom’s Brother. My older brother and my best friend. I can always turn to him when I need to. We have been through many adventures together and have so many stories from our past. I couldn’t ask for a better person to be my best man!!!

Joel Patrick


Groom’s Best Friend. Best friend of 20+ years. We went to high school together. He is also my right hand gambling friend. Oh the stories we can tell… He is a friend for life and someone I can turn to when I need a friend.

Tim Chrisman


Groom’s Brother In Law. Met Tim for the first time in 2021. I got to meet him in Lawton when meeting Annette family. Tim is the husband to Annie sister Joyce. We became closer over time and now I can call him a friend and brother in law.

Rawley Brenton


Groom’s Best Friend. What can I say about this friend. There is so much history. We were best friends growing up. Went to school together and ended up at the same college together as roommates. While growing up Rawley and I were in Boy Scouts. We both made Eagle Scout together. We have been on many camping adventures and have plenty of stories to reminisce on of the past. He is my blood brother from scouting times and will always be. He is someone I can turn to when I need a helping hand. He is a friend for life and I can say he is part of my family.

Coby Chrisman


Groom’s Nephew-In-Law. I met Coby in 2021 while meeting Annette family. He is the son of Tim and Joyce. He was one wild kid when I met him. I have had the privilege and honor to watch him grow in soccer and as a professional dart player to the 16 year old he has now become. I am proud of my nephew in law and who he has become.

Sandesh Simkhada


Groom and Bride’s Best Friend I have heard stories about Sandesh from Annette but not knowing they were all true when I met him for the first time in 2022 while visiting Annette family in California. As soon as I met him that one night at the Cheesecake Factory for the time I then realized how much of a best friend he was to Annette. We talked for hours at that restaurant and became friends when we left. I am honored to have him as a groomsman in my wedding!!!

Annette Renee Holland


To Annie From Dan, I didn’t think I would ever fall in love again and then I met Annie. She is my better half and the missing piece to my puzzle. She is the love of my life. I love her even more every day with every breath I take.

Tracy Holland

Maid of Honor

The Brides Older Sister. Tracy yes is my sister but also one of my best friends. Growing up together we were always going out, making friends, doing karaoke, and going to as many concerts as we possibly could. Meet and Greets were always our favorites. There’s so many memories I could describe, but being my partner in crime, I will always remember when she “saved my life” pushing me away from the state fair in my wheelchair as it was complete chaos. I mean, this girl even twisted her ankle for me!! I couldn’t have made it through many tough surgeries without her by my side. So it is only fitting she continue standing by my side on the biggest day of my life.

Joyce Chrisman

Matron of Honor

The Brides Oldest Sister. Again, not only a sister, but a best friend. Although we had many years apart from when I was a child to when I was well into my adulthood, we have a bond that will forever be strong and everlasting. Moving to Oklahoma allowed me to get to know her all over again and love not only the person she was then, but now the amazing woman she is now. I’ve been so lucky to have moved to where I can spend time with her again and create more memories. She is someone I look up to due to the family and life she’s built for herself and the people/friends she surrounds herself with. It only feels right having her stand beside me on this special day.

Jasmine Holland


The Brides Sister-In-Law. I will have to thank my brother for introducing Jasmine into my life during some of the hardest times for me. I will never forget her walking into the room as I was bedridden from surgery. Her and my brother brought me lunch and we ate together talking. From that moment on we just clicked. She has become one of my best friends and am even more proud to call her officially my sister! Thank you Brian! (Finally) I am so very happy to have them here in Oklahoma with me now, to create and share many more memories together into the future.

Che’La Hughes


The Brides Bestfriend. It was senior year in high school and Che and I were in Sulvan Choir together. We were instantly best friends after talking just one time. She easily became part of the family with my dad “adopting” her in as my sister and his daughter. We’ve continued our unbreakable bond over the years and there’s no way I could go through this once in a lifetime event without her.

Chelsea Davidson


The Bride’s Niece. Chelsea and I have had an incredible bond even since she was a little girl. My fondest memory is when the family went to visit us in California and we all went to Santa Cruise Beach Boardwalk. We spent some time swimming in the ocean where Chelsea and I got tumbled and tossed and ended up covered in sand. I can’t tell you how long it took to get all that sand out of our hair. I will also never forget some of the talks we’ve had over time.

Kami Westie


The Bride’s Best Friend. My very first friend I met when moving up here. Dan introduced us and from that moment on it was like I’ve known her forever. After that, she’s become one of the easiest people to be able to talk to. She has one of the biggest hearts and will lend a hand, an ear, shoot….she’d go to the moon and back to help if she could. I am grateful to Dan for bringing Kami into my life.

Parker Holland

Flower Girl

The Bride’s Youngest Niece. She is a bright shining star with such a bright future ahead of her. Having her here to watch her grow up is going to be beyond amazing. I enjoy our time together playing kitchen and creating happy memories. I can’t wait to make even more.

Trevor Holland

Body Guard of Flower Girl

The Bride’s Youngest Nephew. This monster truck loving boy will steal your heart in a flash. It’s been so fun creating memories by playing basketball outside, hearing him name all his monster trucks as they show up on the tv, and seeing how he’s so smart reading his books to me. Watch out ladies, you’ll catch him at the wedding stealing hearts and taking dances with you.

Bill Krawczyk

Father of the Groom

What do I say about the father who raised me and taught me everything about life and doesn’t want anything in return. I am grateful to have him as my dad. How I was able to spend weekends with him in Scouting and Boy Scout Camp when I was growing up. Pushing me to pursue my dreams everyday and me trying to make him proud every day of my life. I love you dad and am so glad for you to be able to see me marry the love of my life! Thank you for everything!

Deb Krawczyk

Mother of the Groom

What do I say about the mother who raised me. The one who got up early to make sure I had what I needed for school, making me breakfast and writing special notes in my lunches. Always having inspirational words to get me through the day. Teaching me about life as I was growing up. I am so proud to be your son and you as my mother. I hope I keep making you proud every day of my life. I am so happy how you welcomed Annie into the family with open arms and are able to see me marry the love of my life! I love you so much mom!

Dutch Holland

Father of the Bride

To My Daddy In Heaven, I know this day is one you’ve always hoped would happen for me. Although you cannot be here in person, I know deep down in my heart that you’ll be there watching over me. I am forever grateful you got the time to meet and get to know Daniel. Seeing the two of you talk and make jokes together will be forever engraved in my mind. Time, is something I learned to be the most important and powerful thing anyone can ever have. That being said, I’ll be daddy’s little girl in my mind and in my heart for the rest of my life. I can feel you all around me and know you’ll protect us always, everyday, for the rest of our lives. The time finally came, and your little girl will become a Bride.

Brian Holland

Brother of the Bride

Brian has been one of my best friends and best buddies since the day he was born. We may or may not have had our share of arguments/fights growing up, but of course they were all out of love and over video games or the who got the best seat in the van. We definitely got into a bit of trouble along the way as kids and those times happen to be some of my favorite memories. He’s always been there when I needed him, just to talk, to listen, and be the “big” little brother I always needed. I say “big” brother because he’s been through so much where I could go to him for advice and support. From fighting over who would be first player on the video game, to walking me down the aisle on my wedding day. You’ll always be my little “big” brother.

Ken Holland


Bride’s Cousin Growing up I would hear so much about my daddy’s namesake, his nephew Kenny Holland. He was so proud! At one point in time I was able to meet Kenny when we traveled back to visit family at the age of 10 or 11. Although I don’t remember much from that trip, I do cherish the time he traveled to Oklahoma to speak at my daddy’s service. Ken is and always will be such a special family member and person in our lives. Having him here on this day, and seeing his Holland genes shine bright, it will make a memory that I am forever grateful for.

For all the days along the way
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