A courtesy block has been set up at Hilton Garden Inn Monterey, 1000 Aguajito Road, Monterey, CA 93940. Phone number to the hotel is (831)373-6141. Since it is a courtesy block your reservation must be made be 8/7/19 for the discount. The Discount code is: SWB Or ask for the Saravia Wedding block There are other hotels in the area, so please do not limit your search to this hotel only. Follow this link to make your reservation: https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fhiltongardeninn.hilton.com%2Fen%2Fgi%2Fgroups%2Fpersonalized%2FM%2FMRYMHGI-SWB-20190906%2Findex.jhtml&data=02%7C01%7Cyesenia.tigoy%40hilton.com%7Cc0552f2c08554a117c5908d6a7ae28d3%7C660292d2cfd54a3db7a7e8f7ee458a0a%7C0%7C0%7C636880763778364910&sdata=gf0j0OuCzx6uUD3aaMCSZSkV6CSyXpFenncfoJt2fkg%3D&reserved=0
Yes! Plenty of parking directly next to the venue at no charge. You are welcome to leave your car overnight if needed. A prompt pick up in the morning is all that is requested from the venue.
Please plan to be there at 4:30pm as the ceremony will begin promptly at 5pm. Please be mindful of the time.
Kindly respond by August 5th by mail or this website.
On ZOLA.com, click on registry. This is the only place we are registered.
Semi-formal. Please no jeans.
Since our wedding party will be wearing solid burgundy and navy blue those colors we prefer to reserve for them only, and white of course for the bride!:) Any print of the colors mentioned above or different hues are perfectly ok!
Although we love your children we regretfully cannot accommodate them at the venue due to restricted numbers.
Cash bar.