
Andres & Erin


Andres Sastre


Erin Greene


April 30, 2023

Los Angeles, CA

Our Story

The year was 2013. On the East Coast, Erin was preparing to move coasts to attend a school she had only found out about by googling "Schools with the best cafeteria": The Master's University. Miles away in Colombia, God was working in the heart and life of Andres to bring him to Los Angeles to also study at The Master's University. Even though they both attended the same University of less than 1,500 people, they somehow never crossed paths! It wasn’t until four years later that Andres would introduce himself during a Sunday morning church service and their love story would begin. That first meeting wasn’t exactly love at first sight though; Erin thought that he was a little forward and Andres found her to be standoffish. Despite these less than favorable first impressions, Andres and Erin found themselves intrigued by the other. They reconnected at a conference led by the Spanish ministry at their church and Andres started texting Erin in Spanish to help her “practice”. After a few months of texting nearly every day, Andres decided to ask her out…again. To his surprise, she said yes! The first date lasted four hours, and each date after only grew their feelings for each other. They discovered that they shared a love for trying new food, talking about theology, and being in nature. October 29th, nine months to the day after their first date, Erin thought she was going to a picnic brunch and then to a baby shower, but Andres had other plans and their outing turned into a proposal instead! We are so in awe that the Lord chose to bring our lives together and are looking forward to serving him as a married couple!

For all the days along the way
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