
Andres & Cyra

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Bre Jenkins

Maid of Honor

Funniest Memories with Cy.. My favorite I think is the time you picked jalapeños off our nachos, cut them with your fork and tossed them into your Mexican mule..  totally unexpected.. very crafty.. and all you!   PIZZZZA MAN!! Enough said on that one.. haha Harry Potter nights when you lay down on the floor and five minutes later, you’re out like light, on solid concrete like a psycho. Haha The time there was a huge ass grasshopper on the ceiling, we wondered what the noise was for a while until we saw it fall to the sink in the kitchen. You single handedly swept a bag over the dish container and kicked it out the door, utterly fearless! Although neither of us would touch the soap holder for a solid three hours just in case it was still on there! Haha The time we went to a pumpkin patch thinking we’d be able to get real pumpkins.. you held two up to your chest and made the joke that your boobs would make better pumpkins then those tiny ones they had there! The time we laughed way too hard at the burnt marshmellow looking like dreys hair and hat.. instructions unclear! Or when we were in the pool night swimming and drank almost an entire bottle of tequila thinking we didn’t feel anything but ended up in a conversation about poop… like a canyon. Haha probably shouldn’t share this one haha

Gonzalo Mena

Best Man

Conozco a Drey desde el 2012 y a lo largo de todos estos años no dejo de sorprenderme de su valentía, su fuerza, su dulzura o su creatividad, hemos pasado por muchísimas etapas en estos años y hemos aprendido juntos, desde situaciones sin sentido como hacer llamadas en el carro de mi mamá en media noche solo para reirnos, graduaciones juntos, cenas juntos, viajes juntos, hemos pasado por situaciones duras juntos, nos han roto el corazón pero siempre hemos tenido el apoyo del otro. No hemos tenido la relación de mejores amigos desde niños o mejores amigos durante todos los años pero hemos aprendido que a pesar de esto, siempre nos vamos a querer muchísimo y que aunque pasemos semanas sin hablarnos siempre vamos a estar ahí para lo que el otro necesite. Drey, estoy y siempre estaré orgulloso de vos, no por lo que tienes o vas a tener, sino porque tienes uno de los corazones más grandes que jamás he conocido y soy afortunado de estar en él, y me alegra que ahora Cyra va a cuidar de él.

Devonte Brown


One of the funniest memories I have with Cyra happened at our vet school graduation party. I was living it up, having the absolute best time—until I suddenly became hyper-aware of how much fun I was actually having. In a split second of panic, I made a dramatic leap straight into Cyra's lap, as if she could shield me from all the judgmental stares I imagined were happening. Let's just say, I sought comfort in the one person who I knew would laugh it off with me...or at least wouldn't let me fall off her lap!

Jo-Hanna Rifai


***Semi-full Disclosure (Andres MAY have written this for Mojo-JOJO) I guess we'll never know.*** I met Andres in College, during welcome week for International students. In the next couple of paragraphs I'll share with you what my Canadian self thinks of this Costa Rican stud. Andres was always so charming and respectful. I always looked up to him. He was the cool kid on the block, and I wanted to be friends with him. After I approached him and we spent some time together, we knew we had a great connection and our friendship began to blossom. From movie nights, cut throat kitchen, food runs, student government, to greek life and bartending. We were always in the same circles and we always made each other laugh. Needless to say, we enjoyed each other's company. But most importantly we always had each other's back. I'll never forget the year where we spent a whole summer living in the same house in Appleton. We went out one night and a group of 8 men started to get rowdy. I was confronted by one of them and Andres didn't even hesitate to jump in and protect me. That's when I knew our bond was unbreakable. ****Semi Full Disclosure. It MAY have been JoJo defending Andres against the 8 dudes but I guess we'll never know the truth***. Love you, and I'll always continue to have your back!

Regan Wiesler


My favorite memory of Cyra dates back to when our metabolism was higher and our risk of diabetes was lower. Cyra’s sister was having a birthday party, so her parents told her she could have one friend over to keep her entertained. We started the night by stealing two bowls of Cheeto puffs. Cyra’s sister was very unhappy with us taking food and threw a fit (literally pillows were flying). In an effort to get rid of us, Cyra’s mom gave us a whole sheet of home made chocolate chip cookies (this broke down to six cookies each -- probably about 80g of sugar a piece) and sent us upstairs to watch a movie. Well, a movie isn’t good without popcorn and lemonade. So we proceeded to make popcorn and enjoy the 35g of sugar Minute Maid lemonade (the canned ones, because those were our favorites). This satisfied us for one entire movie, but the night was only halfway over. We decided, as big 12 year olds, that we were going to bake. So we proceeded to the kitchen. Cyra’s parents were occupied in the basement with 10 nine year olds screaming at a Barbie movie. We successfully made brownies (the fudge kind) and returned to our exile with 288g of sugar in hand. I don’t remember much of the rest of the night as I believe we were in sugar comas. For those counting we had at least 260g of sugar in one night!!

Wesley Varughese


Andres is one of those guys that’s really unforgettable. And even if you try to forget, he won’t let you. Going back about 11 years I still remember meeting Andres for the first time on a cold wintery day in Appleton, WI, back when we were in undergrad at Lawrence. Through bartending at the Viking Room, good fun in Greek Life and a couple of cross country drives, we ended up at the same company, BCD, upon graduation. Who would’ve thought those cross country drives would turn into global travel - we’d spend time in Colombia, Chile and much more for work. Through the ups and downs (I think they call it trauma bonding?), Andres and I were tight as ever as we journeyed through the early stages of our careers and plan for the future. Even years later as we went for difference pursuits, he’s one of the few I still can give a call to strategize, debate, and just have a dang good time reminiscing. Melissa and I are to excited to celebrate you and Cyra on this new beginning!

Lindsey Taylor


I met Cyra on day one of vet school orientation. It took me longer to remember her name than it did for me to decide that she was going to be a great friend. We had many nights staying up late preparing for exams and even more nights celebrating the completion of those exams! Though there were several tests that I shouldn’t have celebrated after but Cyra always crushed them! I have many memories laughing hysterically in my apartment or hers. The two of us were always dragging super serious vet students out of their studious ways for a night of fun and laughter! I remember one late night that we decided we needed DQ Blizzards so we packed my 130lb Great Dane in my tiny fiat and headed to DQ. My Great Dane was no stranger to drive thru windows and knew that goodies always came out of those windows. I remember laughing to the point of tears as I watched Sophie (my Great Dane) crawl from the tiny backseat to the tiny front seat in the Fiat to inspect the goodies! Cyra was laughing and holding the Blizzards as Sophie made her way forward! By the time we made it out of the drive thru, Sophie was devouring some ice cream and Cyra was laughing while her glasses were crooked and falling off her face! We had lots of laughter together and it will only continue as we start to make memories together now as two families instead of just two friends!

Mike Panos


Andres and I met for the 1st time back when we were around 3 years old, & my only memory from that is a photo haha. It wasn’t until we were around 16 years old when he came to visit New York in the winter and spent time with my mom and the rest of our family, and right off the bat we had a connection. I showed him how awesome New York is during Christmas time and we celebrated with the family and had a blast, even though he was freezing most of the time. He then came again during summer and we spent almost every hour together and got to really know each other to a deeper level, along with a level where Andres realized he was worse than me in FIFA, since I always win! One thing I’d like to note is to watch out what you feed this guy, cause he’s a farting machine haha I can’t tell you how many times we couldn’t breathe from the smell in that room, so Cyra make sure you got some scented candles lying around! We played a bunch of soccer, I taught him a few things about basketball, and I even introduced him to some different foods and music that he absolutely loved, and the “American” way of living if you will lol. I have nothing but great memories with you cuz and I’m so happy to be a part of your special day, even if you’re marrying a Pacers fan! Love you so much and I couldn’t be more happy for you! Love-Mike 💙

Michelle Marple


On one particular full moon Cyra, Bre and I decided to attend a pre planned event, “full moon yoga” and afterwards hang together on the beach. During the event, it become extremely cold and windy, leaving us shivering and huddling together! We decided to abandon our plans on the beach, grab our favorite snacks including brownies, hot chocolate and chips and queso. All of which we shamelessly picked up together at Publix on our way to Cyra’s. While we thawed out and snacked, we laughed about how freezing we were and how we were never going do anything on the beach in January ever again! Ultimately, the night turned out to be a wholesome time of sisterhood, connection, and snacking!! This was the start of many beautiful full moon nights together, an activity I look forward to every month!!

Garrett Marple


I met Andres in the most normal way that two guy friends could possibly meet, a dating app. Well, it was partially a dating app, partially for friend meet up… You know what never mind... The point is I met the guy and we played top golf together(badly). Despite our lack of skills in the golf arena Andres and I have bonded over a lot of different things over the year and a half that I have known him. We’ve shared drinks, killed workouts and battled out countless games of YuGiOh. He’s a great guy and I’m lucky to call him my friend..

For all the days along the way
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