July 10th, 2023
August weather in Medellín Colombia: Daily high temperatures are around 78°F, rarely falling below 74°F or exceeding 81°F. Daily low temperatures are around 62°F, rarely falling below 58°F or exceeding 64°F.
Dress accordingly with the weather which will be 75 Fahrenheit. Semi-Formal and Formal attire
Make sure to bring some Colombian currency with you, as well as US dollars. That way, if you're at a small shop that doesn't take credit cards, you will have some cash already on hand. US dollars, Euros, credit cards, and debit cards are widely accepted in Colombia.
Uber and cabify (taxi app)
Absolutely!! Just let us know before July 10th of this year
Yes, they are part of the family and bring joy to the ceremony and reception.
2:40 pm the ceremony will start at 3:00 pm
These are our favorite restaurants in the city: Entre Maderos (604) 5577873 https://maps.app.goo.gl/R4VLshrKdNgwdxvdA?g_st=ic La Miguería Centro Comercial Oviedo 44483327 https://maps.app.goo.gl/eAkiEXHq9EthwwRL9?g_st=ic El Rancherito - Palmas (604) 4449576 https://maps.app.goo.gl/oY3DLBS8Z9Mwj4Qu8?g_st=ic San Carbón 44447602 https://maps.app.goo.gl/QG3tYktMxfXDsf1a7?g_st=ic Crepes & Waffles Tesoro (601) 6767610 https://maps.app.goo.gl/r7L281EDUnFoJHUDA?g_st=ic Spiga 42324609 https://maps.app.goo.gl/s199sRHVTD5xsuWf6?g_st=ic There are more places but these ones are some that the bride loves.
Of course!! Just let us know and we will provided a meal that fit your requirements