
Amber & Brett

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends that will be walking down the aisle with us.

Renee Schaefer

Maid of Honor

Renee is the best older sister you could ask for and best professional photographer around. One of Amber's favorite childhood memories is when Renee would read to her before falling asleep in their bunkbed. Little Amber couldn't fall asleep without holding Renee's hand. From sharing the same room, sharing the same last name, to always screaming at each other for wearing each other's clothes yet continuing to share each other's closets, Renee never let her love or "hand-holding" energy disappear.

Cameron Carter

Best Man

Cameron, the eldest Carter brother, greeted Brett on the day of his birth with the words, "Hello my brother. Welcome to planet Earth. Are you ready to party?" Needless to say, they've been partying together ever since. Cameron, although no longer the tallest brother, is still looked up to by Brett every day. His wisdom and teachings have guided Brett in so many crucial situations of his life. Without Cameron, Brett would have never learned how to party so damn well.

Ariel McKenzie


Amber's lawyer bestie. She knows all of Amber's secrets. But don't bother trying to ask. She keeps her poker face under pressure and never breaches the bestie-bestie contract. She puts the blonde in legally blonde. Take time to get to know her. But do not try to debate her, you'll lose.

Kyle Carter

Best Man

Kyle, the youngest Carter brother, was carefully crafted into the fine man he is today by his two older brothers. But even the youngest has knowledge to extend to his siblings, as he taught both Cameron and Brett the famous phrase, "Guys, I think we need to make this party even bigger!" Kyle helped solidify the Carter unit as the sickest trifecta of brothers out there and none of them would be who they are today without the influence of their handsome, tall, hilarious, and loving brothers by their sides.

Jerika Carter


Jeri Fairy, Amber's newest sister-in-law! You may see her wings if you watch her dance the night away. They've gotten to know each other throughout the years and wouldn't want to spend their weekends with anyone else. You can always find these two getting into shenanigans with their Carter men.

Micah Turner


Micah and Brett were kindergarten classmates together and had no trouble bonding at a young age. However, they really grew close in middle school and beyond once their love of aggressive music, funny movies, and of course, girls, were the subject of at least 90% of their conversations and of that 90%, 100% will never be revealed.

Jahya Costa


Jahya, Amber's favorite jiu-jitsu partner and mama bird blue belt. Looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you. Watch out and don't let her sneak up behind you. She likes to break bones with her lethal arm bar. Just ask her man Pono to show you the video. Although Jahya and Amber like to scrap weekly on the mat, they couldn't love each other more.

Kawika Bell


Kawika, or "Ol' Faithful" as they call him. A never wavering friend that everybody can get along with. As the backbone of "Enraged Hippopotamus," you definitely won't have to question if he is down for a good time. If there was a mayor of our friend group (and Lanikai), Kawika would surely be the go-to man for the job.

Lauren Vetter


Lauren is one of Amber's oldest friends. They spent almost every weekend sleeping over at each other's houses and riding bikes around Kailua. By spending maybe a bit too much time in high school, making lip-sync videos to Lady Gaga, and writing love letters to Justin Bieber, their relationship grew even stronger. And thanks to the lack of smartphones documenting their every move, don't go asking Lauren to show you any proof of those award-worthy films.

Ross Harper


Ross (Riss) and Brett (Brent) clicked immediately when they met at Chapman University. Ross taught Brett how Long Beach does it while Brett taught him some pidgin lingo. Today, you'll catch them watching "Super Bad" on repeat, listening to Butt Metal, and quoting Tim Robinson. Go find Ross at the wedding if you want to feel young!

Katie Meyers


Katie’s personality is like getting one of those warm hugs where after you pull away you’re like “Woah, that was amazing!” She first graced me with her spiritual hugs (and real hugs of course!) no more than a few years ago. Through extraordinary karaoke nights, crazy concerts, girly group get-togethers, festive house parties, and deep conversations we grew closer each time we hung out. I’m so thankful to call her my bridesmaid and friend. If you are in need of some down to earth talks and feel good energy, go find Katie this weekend and I’m sure you’ll walk away feeling embraced by her light.

Cody Turk


Cody and Brett, although one year apart in high school, never let their age stop them from being close friends (remember how large a one year gap in age used to feel?!). One of the first nights they established each other as cruising buddies, Brett was wielding a medieval sword while Cody was slapping a bass guitar. They like to think that night was a metaphor for what was to come of their friendship, the sword representing strength and honor, the bass guitar, a symbol for creativity and fun.

John Dee


John is always the life of the party. So, naturally, Amber's energy connected with him from the get go. They've found themselves dancing the night away at underground raves and getting lost in Honolulu playing PokemonGo. If Amber is feeling down, any amount of time with John can help heal her mood. So go scout him out if you'd too like to really turn it up this wedding weekend!

For all the days along the way
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