We will have a list provided for local taxi's. Otherwise we recommend utilizing Uber or Lyft to and from the venue.
When you go into the RSVP section, it will have a spot available for your allotted guests.
Similar to above, when you go into the RSVP section it will have spots available for children whom are invited to the reception. Please specify if your children would like the buffet option or chicken tenders option.
There is a private lot near the back of the establishment. If this lot is full, feel free to park alongside the building. If you're planning on drinking, we ask you please utilize a taxi service or Uber to/from the venue.
Yes please fill in the special request section on the RSVP form.
As of now, we are waiting to get approved for a block at Embassy suites. PLEASE be patient while we wait to hear back from them. Embassy Suites is our recommended hotel for the evening. If you wish to make a reservation at the Travellodge you may do so under "The Koch Wedding." This hotel is a 2-star, budget hotel, with no amenities.