We've been together for so long I don't really know where to start or what to say- there's so much! We met at 15 and 16 and 2 weeks later were dating. We were kids when we fell in love and have been inseparable since. We dated all through high school and once I graduated, we both moved down to South Florida to attend college together. Growing up together has been the biggest blessing we could ever ask for. Zeke and I balance each other out very well. He helps me have fun, I help him stay organized. We both love the beach- he surfs, I read. We both love hanging out with friends and family. We've walked through many different stages in life, but I think this one is my favorite!
Zeke and I spent part of the day building puzzles with some of my family. After this we went on a date in Saugatuck, a small town on lake Michigan. We ate dinner at a restaurant called The Barge. After this we were about to head out but before we did Zeke said he wanted to see the beach. When we got there I remembered it was about a mile walk trail. I did NOT want to go on this walk let me tell ya. I was wearing white sandals and white jean shorts- defiantly not hiking attire! I put up a stink but Zeke convinced me and we made it to the beach. Once we did this we walked a far ways down until we were secluded. Zeke laid down a blanket and we watched the sun set, while I read a book. After about an hour we decided to head back. I stood up to wipe the sand off my legs. When I turned around Zeke grabbed my hands, I pushed his hands away and totally thought he was making a joke (He told me the ring was in Flordia!) but he grabbed my hands again, got down on his knee and proposed. I got so excited I grabbed the ring and put it on myself- I think he's definitely suppose to be the one to do that. Oops! After this we were driving back to my house. He kept missing turns and I was like "what is going on". He said we were quickly going to his house first. When we got there, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. We walked in and Zeke had a whole surprise engagement party with both our family and friends. He even had friends fly in from Florida. It was the best surprise every! We are so excited to celebrate this next chapter in our lives with you with you!