Our little love story starts at good ole Loves travel stop ! I was a manager in the store an he was the Mechanic in the shop. I swear he didn’t even notice me at first !! As time went by we started talking at work then messaging non stop to hanging out one time , our first night hanging out he got us stuck in the mud allll night long waiting to be pulled out an I was hooked ! He moved in with me and we started introducing the kiddos and he has ALWAYS been the greatest father I can ever imagine to our rotten kiddos ! We got pregnant with our beautiful Kynzlie not long after , we have had so many downs but so many more ups ! We are so happy to finally be saying “I DO” in front of all our family and friends . We are so thankful to have you join us on our special day after the ceremony we’re gonna all hang out drink some beer and eat good BBQ and sides and yummy s’mores!! Truly, it means more to us than we could ever say! Our tiny country wedding is going to be just perfect with everyone there . The venue is absolutely perfectly gorgeous on 50 acres of ranch! I am so super lucky and beyond blessed to call this man my husband soon !!