June 14th, 2024
While we love all of your children, due to the large number of kids in each of our families this is an adult only event (with the exception of our sweet nieces & nephews of course). Thanks for understanding and we hope all of you parents enjoy a kid-free night out!
Yes, please see our travel tab for hotel block information & discounted rates. We have blocked hotel rooms at two locations, The Hampton Inn & The Quality Inn in Meadville. We will be staying at the Hampton Inn and that is also where our after party will be. However, the Quality Inn shares a parking lot with us and has a cheaper discounted rate if you'd like to stay there you could still join us for the after party and get back to your hotel room easily.
Yes, we will be providing a shuttle service from the Hampton Inn & The Quality Inn, Meadville, to and from the wedding. For all of the details regarding hotel booking & shuttle pick up / drop off times please visit the "travel" tab at the top of the page.
Zola! Please visit the registry tab of this website for easy access to it!
Due to limited space, we are only able to accommodate those guests formally invited on your wedding invitation. If you received a plus one, it will appear on the invitation & be included in your guest count when you RSVP on this site.
Yes, the drinks are on us, the hangover is on you!
Yes, the Harper offers plenty of parking.
Our ceremony starts at 3:15 pm. Please try not to arrive much earlier than 2:45 pm as we will be using the grounds for pictures and don't want anyone to get a sneak peek :)