October 6, 2024
Mount Joy, PA

Ally Shae & Daniel Ryan


Chapter 2: The one where they get married!


Daniel Ryan Smith


Aleniah Shae Dupler

October 6, 2024

Mount Joy, PA
23 days23 d8 hours8 h6 minutes6 min30 seconds30 s

Chapter One:

The one where Dan gets in over his head

Daniel pulled a wildcard and decided to have his lunch in the breakroom at Darrenkamps. This was unusual for him; he did his best to avoid the awkward tension of holding a conversation with coworkers when instead he could use that time to relax and cool down from the lady who just lost her cool on him for the eggs being out of stock. That's when Ally walked in, it's important to note that Ally is the queen of holding awkward conversations and talking a person's ear off. She was escorted by a high school friend who was just the same, loud, rambunctious and not a care in the world. Dan had no clue, but he picked the wrong day to have lunch in the breakroom. It was soon time to clock in and eventually, Ally and Dan struck up conversation. (In reality Ally stuffed a months' worth of her life down Dans throat). towards the end of the conversation Ally had slyly mentioned that she had a snapchat intentionally not giving it to him. The idea was that if Dan liked her, he would reach out and ask for it. Two Days later Ally had noticed that she had multiple message requests on Facebook from a Dan Smith. Ally had completely forgot about their conversation in the breakroom and her plan. Dan asked her what her snapchat was and just like that Ally had him hooked! A few months later they stayed in constant contact. Eventually after dropping hint after hint, Ally finally got Dan to ask her to his school's banquet. It was that night where Dan had asked Ally if she wanted to be his girlfriend. Then Dan proceeded to go away for almost two weeks on a vacation, this is important to note as it becomes a trend. After 6 amazing years of memories (good,bad,happy,sad) on June 23rd, 2023, Dan took Ally on a vacation to the Poconos. It was here that he proposed to Ally, and she said yes…. then he went away for a week with Tim Smullen (groomsmen) to Ohio. See. A trend :) the rest is history, but we are so beyond excited to have all of you join us on a long-awaited special day! With love, Dan and Ally

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