Pat and I first meet when I started bartending at Market. He was a bouncer and I was a bartender. We had many friends in common and shared friend groups so we naturally got to know one another. After about a year of working together and persistence on Pat’s part, we decided that it was time to take our friendship to the next level. Pat was a skilled athlete that I loved to watch play football. Pat ended up redshirting which allowed him to play 5 years at WSU. Luckily, this also allowed me to experience his last season of football with him! While Pat was finishing up college and football, I got my first teaching job at Lewiston-Altura middle school. There were many nights where Pat enjoyed the college nightlife and I learned the responsibility of my first “real” job. Lets just say I would be waking up at the same time that Pat would be going to bed ;) After college, Pat moved back to Chicago while I stayed in Winona. We were distance for about two years. After many miles on cars and long phone calls, we decided that it was time to level up again which, for me, meant moving out of my parents basement :). I got a teaching job in the Wayzata School District and Pat started to make connections in the Orthopedic business doing medical sales. After about a year in Minneapolis and seven years of dating, we decided it was time to start looking for our first home. We found the perfect home for us in Blaine— the perfect distance for equal commute times. We lived in our house for a few months before Pat popped the (much awaited) question. The day he asked me to marry him was an incredibly special and and memorable day. It sure made 2020 much more enjoyable and memorable beyond the pandemic. Luckily with all of our history and shared experiences (including attending many weddings of our loved ones) we are well prepared to plan our ideal wedding. We can’t wait to share more of our story and make more memories with you on our big day!