Dog of Honor
Bella Belle has been Allison’s best friend since February of 2021. She is so loving, playful, obedient, and calm. Bella Belle never barks, loves to play fetch with Benny, and loves to run through sprinklers!
Best Dog
Benny has been Javi's companion since August of 2020. Benny is full of life and can cut on a dime when playing fetch!
Mother of the Bride
Father of the Bride
Matron of Honor
Flower Girl
Anastasia is one of Allison’s brightest lights of her life, niece, goddaughter, and best friend. Anastasia is strong-willed, sure of herself, curious, loving, and kind. She teaches her Auntie more everyday and is so very loved. One of her favorite things to do with Auntie is play with Bella Belle.
Ring Bearer
As the youngest member of the wedding party, Deo is Allison’s first nephew. He is calm, happy, and a very loved baby. Allison loves to snuggle him any chance she gets!
Mother of the Groom
Father of the Groom
Joined with our Lord in heaven in July of 2020, Andres was always a strong role model for Javi to look up to. He was a devoted husband, father, and would be so proud of Javi today.