We met at Hood College through mutual friends and became friends right away. We always gravitated towards each other at parties, around campus and sporting events. After graduating, we kept in touch and hung out a couple times a year. Eventually we went from a couple times a year, to every few months, to once a month, to every weekend. Somewhere in between, those hangouts turned into dates and those dates turned into sharing some of life’s biggest moments together. We knew we had something special and now, WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!
We got engaged on October 24th, our dating anniversary. We made our favorite chicken parm for dinner and exchanged our small gifts and I revealed the last gift to her, a cherry wood bar I built for the occasion that we’ve since filled with our favorite bottles of spirits. I had her read the card that was on the bar that ended with “I need you to answer one question….” and the rest is history.