Kind of! We are providing a safe alternative to driving, by offering Uber Vouchers. 1. Please use this link to automatically add the voucher: 2. Or manually enter this code in the Uber app to add the voucher: rtyY2AxbrkU
Cocktail Attire: cocktail dresses, dressy jumpsuits, suits and jackets / slacks.
Yes, but please reach out to Allie or Ryan so we can arrange proper accommodations.
We love your kids—we really do. But to allow all wedding guests, including parents, a night of relaxation, we respectfully ask that no children attend the ceremony or reception.
We have a strict guest list to stay on budget. If your invitation says “and Guest,” then yes; if not, we would prefer if it was just you. (Please wait for your formal invitation/RSVP).
Yes! Please check our Stay & Travel page for the two hotels where we have reserved hotel blocks.