Alissa, a devoted stay-at-home mom to her sweet son Koda, finds joy in crafting, specializing in creating delightful diaper cakes for a side business. Her heart is filled with love for her two dogs, Kenai and Scotty. A die-hard Twilight fan, she enjoys immersing herself in the enchanting world of vampires and werewolves. Alissa's greatest delight comes from teaching Koda new things every day, and her favorite family pastime is visiting the park with her little family.
Shaun, a devoted family man, unwinds from work by cruising on his motorcycle and indulging in sunny-day golf sessions. His heart is captivated by the love he holds for Koda and Alissa. A seasoned RuneScape player for over 15 years, Shaun wraps up his evenings with a dose of humor from "The Ricky Gervais Show" podcast. With a penchant for The Office, he has watched the series countless times, finding comfort and laughter in its familiar episodes.