Yes, both events are being held at Kohl Mansion.
Dress to impress! Guests are encouraged to wear attire that fits a black-tie dress code, but this is optional. For men, think a suit and tie, or a tuxedo if you want to get fancier. Ladies should wear a formal gown or a fancy pantsuit.
Our ceremony will start at 4:00 pm. Please arrive 15-30 minutes before the start time. In the event that you are late, the venue staff will be requested to keep you outside in the cocktail area until after the wedding procession is completed.
Yes! There is free parking on the premises. If you plan to drink, please utilize a rideshare service instead.
If your invitation includes a plus one, then yes. If not, due to limited venue capacity, no.
We love your kids — we really do. But we want our wedding to be your night off! The wedding will be child-free.
Yes, text Alissa at 678-488-4414. We will try our best to accommodate the request.
Please RSVP by December 1, 2022.