Alisa and Jake both grew up going to Seabreeze which is conveniently located less than 10 minutes from the venue! A good family park with a nice mix of thrill, flat and water rides, this historic park makes for a fun afternoon!
A great bar and burger place with an awesome vintage arcade!
Anyone who has ever met Jake has been proselytized to about Rochester's local delicacy, the aptly named Garbage Plate. A meal that will you with joy and heartburn, it's worth a try! Dogtown makes the best plates in Rochester, and has vegan and vegetarian options.
A truly one-of-a-kind location, the Strong Museum was a staple of both Alisa and Jake's childhoods. An enormous playground, it offers endless play opportunities for children. In 2015, it grew to include the World Video Game Hall of Fame, and is now home to a plethora of video games including a truly massive collection of coin-operated games.
The best game store in Rochester, and one of the best in the country, Jake has grown up going to Millenium Games and continues to go back. Each trip home to Rochester is not complete until Jake and Alisa spend at least an hour wandering around the store.
Home to the Annual Lilac Festival, Highland Park is truly stunning in June. With lush trails and a great atmosphere, it is a serene and peaceful place to visit.