
Alicia & Roger

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Anthony Green III

Best Man

Anthony "Tony" Green III is Roger's older brother by 15 years. He has been a second father to him in guiding him to be the man he is today. Choosing Tony as his best man was a no-brainer for Roger as they have always been very close.

Jared Mitchell


Jared and Roger's friendship journey started at Kids World Nursery in Morbihan, La. Roger still remembers the day he met Jared and how he was certain that their friendship would last a life time. Ever since those days, these 2 have been virtually inseparable despite living on 2 different sides of the country.

Timothy Manuel


Tim and Roger has considered themselves best friends since the beginning of their lives in 1986. They have supported each other through every walk of life and continue to do so despite the distance between them.

Chase Traffica


Chase and Roger met in college at The University of Louisiana. Roger never knew the impact Chase would have on his life in the future, but Chase has been a prominent staple ever since those college days. They are ALWAYS together and when they're apart, it's not for long.

Nicholas Burrows


Nick and Roger also met in college. Their connection was undeniable- in fact, they eventually became roommates and shared countless memories while both students. Nick and Roger are still close as they still make time for long conversations on the phone regularly.

Cody Raymond


As cousins, Cody and Roger always wish they were closer at a younger age. They didn't spend a whole lot of time together as kids, but as soon as they were both finished with high school, they were like Siamese Twins. They both grew dreads together, worked at The Boys and Girls Club together, and have always been able to help each other out through deep conversations over the years.

Diontae Spencer


Roger considers Diontae the little brother that he never had. Despite there being a 7 year age gap between these 2, they get along like two peas in a pod. Diontae and Roger have always known each other, but recently they have grown to become very close and are always trying to figure out ways to make an impact on the world.

Brian Green


Roger considers Brian his favorite cousin. They grew up next door to each other and were always together after school as youngsters. Brian and Roger are always competing and elevating each other's skills- whether it's on the basketball court or on the barbecue grill.

Loretta Hedrick

Maid of Honor

Loretta is Alicia’s younger sister by twenty-three months and they have always made sure to let people know their age difference is LESS THAN 2 years! Being so close in age has allowed them to experience many of life's stages together and it's no different now, as they are both engaged at the same time! Loretta and Alicia’s relationship epitomizes the phrase: "through thick and thin"- making Alicia’s decision for Maid of Honor a no-brainer.

Kimberly Howard

Matron of Honor

Alicia met Kim as a free agent on a coed flag football team. Kim's love for competition and her goofy personality ignited an interest in Alicia that has kept them running routes together for 5 years now. Kim's upbeat energy, adventurous mind, and love for a good check list has made her an amazing best friend and will no doubt make her an amazing Matron of Honor!

Chelsea Beamon


Chelsea may as well have been Alicia's family the way they grew up together. Their mom's were best friends in High School and the relationship carried over to them. As kids, Chelsea and Alicia lived 5 minutes from each other and you would often find them together running around the streets of Waukesha. She has been a mom, sister, partner in crime and best friend to Alicia since diapers.

Hannah Anderson


Alicia and Hannah's friendship began at Central Middle School. They were often getting into mischief and laughing at any and everything. Nothing was too serious and everyone was a target for their mockery! No matter the time in-between visits, their bond will always stand the test of time.

Madison Rose


Alicia also met Maddie on the Flag Football field. Maddie has a one of a kind personality with a big brain and endless positive energy which has lead to the development of their growing friendship. Maddie has a love for adventures and you will likely see her camping, paddle boarding, or hopping on her next flight!

Kayci Traffica


Alicia and Kayci met on a couples trip with their boyfriends (at the time!). After experiencing Kayci's free spirit, kind heart, and down to earth personality, Alicia knew that they would be friends. Though there is often a lot of time and distance between them, it all seems to disappear when they come together again.

Tracie Comeaux


Alicia and Tracie also met on a trip with their significant others and have had several adventures together since then. They both share a love for travel, the finer things in life, and family. Tracie has been someone who always tells Alicia what she needs to hear and her friend circle wouldn't feel complete without the tough love Tracie gives.

Audréanna Roberts


Alicia and Roger met Audrey in the line at a DVSN concert, not too far off from the very same way the couple met a couple blocks down the road. Along with her amazing taste in music, Alicia found Audrey to have the sweetest heart and radiant energy. She knew then that Audrey would attend her wedding, but had no idea how their relationship would evolve from that day, leading to her not only attending, but standing by her side!

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