Ali’s story: Ali was surfing the endless photos of eligible bachelors online on Hinge and came across this beautiful strapping man’s photos that took her breath away. They matched and she clicked on his profile and saw that his Instagram profile was linked. So obviously she went straight to his Instagram page and messaged him and said “hello, we matched on hinge and I think your beautiful, hope this isn’t creepy!” Or something along those lines. He responded quickly with “I think you’re beautiful too!” They talked for a couple weeks then they decided to meet (after Maxwell passed Ali’s test of agreeing to the baby name she had picked out for a girl). Ali cooked him dinner and he obviously fell in love with her that night, cuz wow, how could he not!? Ali wasn’t ready for a relationship so she told him we can hang out but I can’t date you. So after 2 months Ali decided, nevermind I want to date him. So she wrote him a letter and mailed it to him. It read “do you want to be my boyfriend? Check yes or no.” He checked yes and the rest is history! Maxwell’s story: Ali and Maxwell met while donating their time at the soup kitchen and fell in love.