Follow the link below for our wedding room block rates at Hotel Zaza: https://reservations.hotelzaza.com/booknow/?hotelcode=ZAZAH&startDate=11%2F26%2f2021&endDate=11%2F28%2f2021&code=AAK127 Our guests may also reserve their overnight accommodations by contacting the hotel toll free at 888-880-3244 and requesting the Aliza Mahdi & Ali Khwaja Wedding Room Block (reference ID: AAK127) in order to receive the special room rate. Shoulder dates: ( Dates that are not included in the block, Example: Thursday 11.25.21) You may call the hotel to reserve rooms on the shoulder dates. The hotel will process the booking at the discounted group rate as long as availability permits. Hotel ZaZa offers daily event parking at $15.00 per car, per day and overnight valet parking at $33.00 per car, per night. The Cut-Off date for making reservations is Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Please let us know if rooms are not available and we will work with you to add more rooms to our block.