Please see the travel tab for the 2 hotels that have discounts associated with our wedding venue. You may also stay at The Little America in Flagstaff which is 12 minutes from the venue, but we were not able to secure a discount code.
Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport - this is about 2.5 hours from the venue, but flights tend to be cheaper and there are more rental car options. You may also fly directly into the Flagstaff Pulliam Airport which is about 15 minutes from downtown Flagstaff. Flying Flagstaff is very convenient but more expensive. American Airlines handles most Flagstaff flights.
Flagstaff has Uber available, but it is not a huge city so options are limited. The wedding venue is a little outside of town, meaning Ubers may not be as willing to travel there. Having a rental car would not be required, but would be more convenient and an easier way to guarantee you can travel around town whenever you would like.