Alexandra and Dave went to Brookfield High School together. While Dave had the BIGGEST crush on Alexandra, she only saw him as a friend until 7 years later on December 26th, 2019 when they went out for a drink while home for the Holidays. It was love at first sight... very cliche but it just happened! Dave went off to Japan to serve in the Navy and then Covid hit which caused the newly established couple to go 18 months without seeing each other. Dave got orders to go to Hawaii in August of 2021 and Alexandra hopped on a flight to finally see him after so much time apart. Little did she know, Dave got her an engagement ring and her future mother in law wrapped it up and disguised it as a present from his Pop Pop for her to bring to Dave so that he could propose on the beaches of Hawaii. Dave and Alexandra got engaged on August 27th. A romantic dinner with champagne to toast a lifetime together with would have been ideal, romantic, and kind of expected. But that would be too perfect for this oddly functioning couple! Due to Covid, restaurants in Hawaii closed very early so the only place open was Cheeseburger in Paradise. Burgers, chicken tenders, and cheap wine was the engagement dinner of choice! Since Dave serves in the military, marriage had to happen quickly in order to live a normal life together. A small civil ceremony was held at the bride's parents house in Connecticut where Dave's best friend Dylan married the two and Father Peter, Alexandra's priest growing up, blessed their marriage until they could get married in the church. In April of 2022, Alexandra and Dave packed a Penske truck and moved their lives... or really just Alexandra's life because all Dave had was a few pieces of clothing and a toothbrush... to San Diego, California! In June Alexandra flew her cat, Lilly, to San Diego and the house finally became complete. Although our love story has been unlike most, we wouldn't change it for the world. So many lessons of patience, communication, and love were instilled in us during our long distance. No matter what life has thrown at us, and will throw at us, we'll always get through anything and everything together. We truly can not wait to celebrate the love we have for each other with all of you! While apart, Dave would always say to me "I love you more than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow" He for sure read this somewhere... probably from a Nicholas Sparks book... but it always makes me smile.