Day of Information
We are asking guests to please park in a designated lot 1-mile from the wedding location.
The address for parking is:
12976 Harpers Ferry Road, Purcellville, VA 20132
A shuttle will transport guests to the site and will be back and forth between 1 pm and 2:30 pm for the ceremony. Shuttles will be available to transport guests back to their vehicles starting at 7 pm.
Feel free to drive to site to drop off guests and then the shuttle can come pick you up from parking area. When departing the wedding site, please note that cars travel quickly down this country road and there is a blindspot when exiting left.
Please allow extra time if you are coming from Harpers Ferry, WV or Purcellville, VA as there is a detour in place on Rt 340 and the stop light cycles are lengthy. At Rt 9 the lights vary in length--sometimes quick and sometimes lenghty.