Alex and Ceara met in Boston in 2014, where they performed on a cast together at Improv Asylum. Before Ceara's first rehearsal, Alex showed Ceara where the printer was (behind the box office, NOT behind the bar). They began dating in 2016, while still performing together on the main stage cast at Improv Asylum. If you haven't been there, it's an illustrious comedy theater in the basement of a CVS in Boston's North End. While in Boston, Alex and Ceara enjoyed trying out new restaurants, going to see shows, and hopping on the train with friends to spend Sundays in Salem. But more often than not...they were at Improv Asylum. At the end of 2019, Alex and Ceara decided to move to LA and road-tripped across the country together in a gas-guzzling mini van. Trip highlights included a New Orleans stop, a visit to the White Sands National Park in New Mexico, and an out-of-this-world stop in Roswell (ooOooooOo). In early 2020, Ceara and Alex adopted a bonded pair of cats, Ladybird and McFly, who have lots of personality and no manners. These furry companions came in handy as we hunkered down in LA throughout 2020 - 2021. A bright spot during quarantine was putting out comedy videos on the internet, including a viral series of Ceara eavesdropping on Alex's comedy band, Tall Boy Special, while trying to do grad school homework in the living room of our tiny apartment. We also enjoyed hiking, cooking together, and taking trips with friends to Malibu, Palm Springs, San Diego, Big Bear, Santa Barbara, and Redondo Beach. 2022 brought lots of exciting opportunities (and changes!). Alex got his real estate license and booked a handful of commercial and TV roles. Ceara directed a short film and performed at the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal. We also traveled to many dear friends' weddings, including one in Ireland (we tacked on a trip to France, know...since we were already "over there"). At the beginning of September, Ceara accepted a writing job at Saturday Night Live and a few days later, Alex popped the question on the Santa Monica Pier. It was a perfect way to cap off our LA chapter before starting our New York City one! We can't wait to get married in Ceara's hometown (it's pronounced "skinny-atlas") in August and to celebrate with all of you. We promise there will be ample food, drinks, live music, and - as always - plenty of laughs.