Our reception will take place at this location. Click "View" at the bottom of this page to access the direct booking link for our dedicated block if you require overnight accommodations. You can also call the hotel directly, using 613-549-8400 ext 2600 to reach the reservations manager. Indicate you are looking to book within the block name: Henry Langlois Wedding, or block code HLW. Instructions for online booking: 1. Click on the direct booking link. It will open up to an overview of the hotels website. 2. Either click “BOOK NOW” located in the top right hand corner – this will slide the page down to a search for dates. OR, scroll down to this section. 3. Enter in the group dates – under check in, select the dates on the calendar. By choosing these dates, you will see the group code generated just below the date information. Hit SEARCH. 4. The rooms available will open with the option to select a room type for booking. 5. Hit select rate; it will then take you to the reserve page, where you will fill out the appropriate information.