7:00 pm - 11:00 pm
While we don't have an explicit plan for this as of yet, we intend to do something in/around the city to kick things off, so mark your calendar. Deets to come. PLEASE RSVP if you are DOWN, so we can plan numbers accordingly.
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Look hotAF or don't come 😜
Louisiana fare is on the menu! Momma D, Ernie, and Alexa's family are cooking cajun for the crew. (For wedding party only, obvi)
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Express yoself in your favorite festival get up!
Dress in whatever you feel your best self in with an extra element of festival flare! Jeans and/or flip flops and/or crocs are not your "best self" and is nothing short of offensive. A full-blown tux is a bit much, unless it's got funky festie feelz. Ties and formal attire are NOT required. For the love of Great Spirit, just look FRESH. Ladies, plan your footwear accordingly (it's at a ranch).
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Because this is festival themed, you've got options...stick with what you had on for the ceremony (which is probably best) or if you're an overachiever and wanna keep people on their toes, feel free to do a wardrobe change (ZERO expectation).
Food...refreshments...toasts...dancing...OH MY! *Party fouls are not acceptable...so make sure you have your shit together :)
Sat, Oct 30, 2021, 10:00 pm - Sun, Oct 31, 2021, 2:00 am
If you don't have #biodegradable glitter on your face by now, it's time for you to go to bed.
If you're ALL-IN, this is where we kick it up a notch, and things get weird. Friends will be doing stupidly dope DJ sets, and we'll have a vibey set-up to connect deeper with the late-night fam.
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
What you wore the night before is an acceptable option and makes for awkward/awesome pictures. Not sure exactly what this will look like...quite possibly a beautiful disaster. A perfectly imperfect way to round things out. It will DEFINITELY involve a 'strike' like Burning Man breakdown aka CLEAN-UP at the ranch. It ain't sexy, but it's necessary, and would be SO appreciated. If you've ever produced an event, you know that breakdown SUCKS if you're doing it solo, but when there's many helping hands, it's a BREEZE. One of the most beautiful things about festivals like Burning Man is how people come together for the clean-up. It properly closes the container, bringing the community together for a shared completion of the rite of passage - in this case our wedding ritual. AND, it's funAF - fo real. We've put some SERIOUS TLC into this experience, and it would mean SO much if y'all support us in leaving the ranch better than we found it!