September 30, 2021
Elburn, IL

Erica & Alec

    Erica & Alec
    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Emily Perry

Maid of Honor

I met Emily like so many others at good ol' Firebar and little did I know that the "weird quite girl" (I definitely read that wrong) would turn out to be my best friend. Moving to Illinois has brought me a lot of wonderful things and this friendship is at the top of that list. Emily is my person, from running errands, to homemade dinner and wine night (where she just falls asleep), to Sunday fundays in the city. Now that she's lives in Colorado those hangouts have turned into daily calls at all hours, FaceTimes just to stare at each other while we clean, and surprise trips to visit! We share the same brain and I couldn't imagine anyone else as my Maid of Honor!

Liz Travis


As an only child I can not tell you how excited I am TO HAVE A SISTER and I sure got lucky that she's such an amazing one!! Liz had been amazing to me since the first time I met her, as soon as she checked that I wasn't taller than her, and always made me feel welcome! She is the best Waylyn aunt in the world and I am so grateful for her and so excited to have her with me on our big day!!

Jennessa Jackson


I met Jennessa while visiting Sierra before I moved to Illinois. We were the typical friends of a friend until I moved and starting working at Firebar. She decided I wasn't so bad and I actually moved in with her not long after. Needless to say we built our own friendship and it's one I wouldn't trade for the world. I have had some amazing times with this girl and the best cuddle puddles. She moved to Colorado a few years ago and I miss her daily but whenever we get the chance to see each other I know I am with family!

Mary Lunebach


I met Mary at FireBar and she quickly turned into a good friend. We have grown even closer over the last few years and I am so thankful to have her! She is my go to for all the questions on adulting and is always the voice of reason! Don't let that fool you though this girl is FUN! We have spent countless game night, Sunday driveway hangs, and amazing trips together laughing our butts off and making the best memories!!

Sierra Campbell


The Yin to my Yang, she’s been there through it all and I mean ALL. From volleyball tournaments, to high-school parties (sorry Donna), college in the big city, multiple apartments together, the reason I moved back to Illinois, falling apart, and finding each other again, she is the true definition of a lifelong friend. She is such an inspiration, I have never met someone who conquers everything they’ve ever wanted to do quite like Sierra. I am so thankful for this friendship and to have her apart of our special day!

Collin Fiebig

Best Man

Collin and I met in high school and quickly became good friends. With a love for cars and fishing it was an easy match and you can catch us at all the local spots dropping a line! Collin is an amazing father to three and I love getting to spend a lot of time watching his boys play sports. He's an all around great guys and honored to have him as my best man.

Nick Paoli


Nick and I have known each other since middle school, and became close in high school. He has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I've ever met, and a laugh so big it brings a smile to everyone's face! He was my beer pong partner in crime back in the day and we've been known to run some tables! He is the life of the party and I'm so excited to have him apart of our special day.

Mark Capps


I was introduced to Mark through Erica, they were good friends and would quickly become one of mine. Mark and I share a passion of sports and he is a die hard Chicago fan through and through. Mark is the a great guy and one of the most creative people I know!

Zach Lunebach


Zach is married to Erica's bridesmaid Mary, and through all all the hangouts I gained a great friend. From NASCAR races, a Dinseyworld trip, and countless Sundays we always have a good time. Zach is a whiskey enthusiast, our walking google ( I don't recommend trivia night against him), and an all around great guy!

Matt Koretke


Matt and I met through work years back. We have been all over the midwest together, traveling for storm trips, and became friends during this time. We've been called brothers countless time despite any real resemblance to each other, and Erica jokingly calls him girlfriend because we spend hours on the phone keeping each other sane and discussing work.

Mackensie Bruns

Special Day Helper Extraordinaire

Mackensie is my bonus friend! After years of Emily trying to keep us apart haha I stole her for my own! She is such a fun and loving person, and always keeps us laughing. She is a fellow dog mom and a soon to be HUMAN mom!! Guest wasn't a special enough title for this lady so she is our usher, greeter, and is going to help me keep my sanity of our special day!

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