Our story begins back January of 2018. One of Brittany's clients suggested that she should meet one of his buddies named Alberto. After a couple of months of being out and about in Chico, Britt never got the opportunity to run in to him so she decided to take her chances and add him on Instagram. The response she got was "Do I know you? Hot girls like you don't add me unless they are a fake profile." Not a whole lot came from it until December of 2018 when Britt was flying down to Los Angeles to visit one of her best friends. After landing she noticed that she had received a message from Alberto. Small conversation soon led to their first date on December 27, 2018. This is when their story really started to take shape. They both shared a love for traveling, so after about a month and a half of knowing each other they decided to hop on a plane and take their first trip to Puerto Rico together. They traveled to many places both close and far…Until 2020, when the world as we knew it shut down. When "El Viro Diecenuve" closed the hair salon that Britt was working at, Alberto offered up his garage to Britt to be able to open her own salon and continue to work on the black market. He jokes around that that is when she and Gunner never left, and where her infamous title "Quarantini" comes from. After a year of basically living together their love, respect and compatible nature grew stronger. So in March of 2021 Alberto and Brittany, along with Gunner, decided to move into a new house together. After 4 years of countless memories together Alberto finally realized that he would be an absolute idiot if he did not lock Brittany down. So on December 27, 2022, 4 years to the day of the first date, Alberto got on one knee and "popped the question" to Britt's surprise in front of the same restaurant the had their first meal together.