Once upon a time, a boy named Albert had a crush on a girl named Tracy. They met under an oak tree at UC Riverside while they waited to start their pledging experience for a business fraternity, Delta Sigma Pi. At the time, Albert was auto friendzoned, but it was obvious they had great chemistry with very compatible personalities. They bonded over TV shows, food and making fun of Albert’s fashion sense. (He would wear PJs as pants in public 😅) After 5 long years of being in the friendzone and a reunion in K-town, Tracy could no longer deny that they were meant to be together. If you think it took a long time for them to become boyfriend & girlfriend, it took even longer for Albert to finally ask Tracy to marry him! 8 years had passed before Albert finally popped the question at one of their favorite places in NorCal, in front of their closest friends & baby boy, Koda. It’s been a fun and eventful journey with lots of great memories made. They look forward to celebrating their love and special milestone together with you this Fall!