Due to limited venue capacity, we are unable to accommodate plus ones at our wedding unless specifically indicated on your invitation. We want everyone to share in the celebration and will ensure that everyone will be around familiar and friendly faces. We appreciate your understanding!
Debido a la capacidad limitada del salon, no podemos acomodar más invitados en nuestra boda a menos que se indique específicamente en su invitación. ¡Apreciamos su comprensión!
Kindly RSVP by August 28th, 2023. If you cannot attend, we would appreciate you letting us know at the soonest opportunity, although you will be missed! Those that do not RSVP by August 28th, 2023, we are so sorry you cannot make it! If you miss this date, we may be unable to accommodate your presence at the wedding, as we will be sending final head counts to vendors shortly after this deadline.
Por favor confirme su asistencia para el 28 de Agosto de 2023. Si no confirma su asistencia para el 28 de Agosto, el salon no podrá agregar invitados a la lista final después de ese día. Si no le es posible asistir, le agradeceríamos que nos avise lo antes posible.