We are registered on Zola! Please refer to the “Registry” section on our website.
The dress code is Cocktail. If you have a question regarding what this option is, listed below is a link that explains what Cocktail Dress is. https://www.brides.com/cocktail-attire-wedding-4844364
If your invitation included a guest, please feel free to bring someone!
While we love children, this is an adult only wedding.
Megan has a gluten allergy so all of the meals will be gluten free. If you have a different allergy, please reach out to Megan or Aidan privately to discuss options.
There will be transportation provided. Each Hotel will have a bus that will drive individuals to the Castle before the ceremony begins and then a bus will also drive individuals back to their respected hotels after the night has concluded. Individuals are more than welcome to drive themselves if they so choose.
Please RSVP no more than one month before the wedding.
Hotel recommendations can be found under the “Travel” section of our website. Two hotels have been provided as options to choose from.
Yes, at the Castle there is a parking lot. They will have parking attendants at the site directing you where to park. You may park there for the duration of the event.
The Castle has a huge history! Listed below will be a link detailing it's history over the years! https://www.searlescastle.com/history-of-searles-castle/