
Aidan & Jessica

Hero Image 1Hero Image 2







May 10, 2024

Leesburg, VA

How we Met

Back in 2018, our Junior year of high school, we had two classes together: English and History. By the grace of God we were put on an English project together where we made an info graphic of Inigo Montoya from Princess Bride. We made a group chat, I got her number, and we started talking. -Aidan

Most Memorable date

I would have to say it is our very first date! Aidan had asked me to be his date to our high school dance, "Spring Fling". This was the day I found out he lived a mere 1 min away, in the same neighborhood, which nearly gave my parents a heart attack. We then went on to have a delicious dinner with our group at Lebanese Taverna before making our way to the dance floor to show off our absolutely KILLER dance moves. The night ended in a Silver Diner around 12am where Aidan very adorably asked me to be his Girlfriend over some top tier milkshakes. Shocked that he actually liked me, and that I hadn't scared him away, I said yes -Jess <3

Favorite Activity Together

When we are together in person, we love to visit our favorite Vietnamese coffee shop, Chill Zone, to read, chat, and chow down on some fried rice. Here we separate ourselves from reality and just get to be together. Some of our most fruitful conversations happened here. I think we are both thankful for that place. -Aidan

A life Goal of ours

Is to build a life that honors God! We want our family to be a celebration of what God has joined together. We believe He has changed our lives for the better and has joined us together for a greater purpose :) -Jess

Dorkiest thing about us

We are both very nerdy. The kid in us that played Pokemon back in 2005 never went away. It has evolved into a love for video games, animation, and technology. And this is something that I believe will never go away. Especially when it is Jessica's job. Also grass type is the best starter. -Aidan

For all the days along the way
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