Yes! There will be a bus to transport guests to and from both hotels. Please utilize this and do not drink and drive.
Although we adore your children, due to budget and supervision limitations we ask that only adults attend. We hope you can enjoy a night out without them.
We would love everyone to wear cocktail attire.
We know it will be hot- it is in St. Louis in July. Our tentative plan and hope is to have our ceremony and our dancing outside, this will be weather depending. It will all get moved inside if necessary. The dinner will be in an air conditioned room and all guests will have access to air conditioning throughout the evening.
Defiance Ridge is open to the public until 5pm. You can hang out there as long as you would like until the ceremony begins at 6pm.
There is plenty of parking at the venue. However, we strongly encourage guests to utilize the shuttle we are providing to avoid drinking and driving.
Please RSVP by June 1, 2022 so we are able to plan seating for all of our guests.
Not exactly- we are having a wander selfie. This is like a traveling photo booth with an attendant- please take pictures. We want memories with everyone in attendance!