October 23, 2021
Wyandotte, MI

Abby & Brandon

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Meet our family and friends who are walking down the aisle with us


Maid of Honor

Alyssa and Abby have been friends since high school, sharing laughs, cries, and everything in between. They look like they could be sisters and they basically are. We are so happy she has come around to Brandon thanks to his terrible jokes. We couldn't image the day without her.


Best Man

If you're lucky enough to have met Nick, you know the kind of guy he is. One of the most genuine, fun, down to earth guys around. Brandon and Nick are brothers, growing up together you know the house was in constant competition. Whether it was with sports, video games, or the variety of games they came up with. There isn't another man on earth Brandon wants on his side as his best man. He is truly lucky to have him.



Rose and Abby have known each other since birth, being raised going to the same church. Growing up causing trouble with them and Paige and making so many memories along the way. We look forward to making more memories during our wedding and beyond.



Back when Brandon and Abby started dating, Brandon got the pleasure of meeting Chad at the same time of meeting Abby's parents as a pure coincidence....Talk about the nerves. Like every older brother Chad did his best at trying to scare Brandon straight in their early days. He is happy to make it this far and grateful to have a man like Chad on his team moving forward.



Paige and Abby have known each other since birth as well, thanks to church again. She is also the Paige mentioned before in the getting in trouble with Rose and Abby. The trio grew up together from kids to awkward teenagers and now to growing adults. Cannot wait to have Paige as part of our next journey too.



Emilio is a guy that Brandon has known for at least 10 years, from their days stomping the other teams on the soccer pitch, to us stomping noobs in the virtual gaming world. Brandon is lucky to call a guy like Emilio my best friend, and couldn't think of anyone else that we would want on our team during our wedding.



Haylee is one of those friends that you didn't know you needed until she came into your life. Haylee is friends with both Brandon and Abby, and even helped Brandon with the proposal and celebration afterwards. We are so grateful she is able to celebrate with us every step of the way and be a part of our big day.



Sam is one of the most genuine guys you can come into contact with. He's prob the second best basketball player in the family and is only second to Brandon when it comes to their sneaker collections. Sam helped Brandon get the perfect shots of our proposal. Sam is a great photographer but he's even better in the studio. Brandon's still waiting to get that feature.



Gabrielle came into Abby's life by marrying her closest cousin, Tyler. We are so glad Tyler introduced us to someone we love just as much as him. So happy we get to have her as part of our big day in expanding our family even more.



Ronnie is the guy that will always bring a smile to your face and is a joy to be around. Just don't bet against him on the golf course, cause you won't be smiling for long when you lose all your money. Brandon and Abby are excited to have Ronnie in the wedding party because now its really a party!

For all the days along the way
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