What reviews are eligible for dispute and removal?

You can dispute any review that was written within the last twelve months and:

  • Contains profane, vulgar, libelous, harassing, abusive, obscene, sexually explicit, or is inappropriate or discriminatory with respect to race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or other intrinsic characteristic
  • Contains confidential or personal information, such as a personal phone number, date of birth or physical address (outside of the business address)
  • Is for a non-wedding related event or otherwise is unrelated to the goods or services offered by or available at such party's listing or webpage
  • Is factually inaccurate in a significant way that impacts the substance of the review (we will ask for documentation)
  • Is written by someone that didn't actually conduct business with you (All reviewers must be clients or fellow wedding professionals)
  • Is an advertisement, solicitation, promotional material, "junk mail," "spam," chain letters, pyramid scheme or any form of commercial content; or
  • Violates our full Vendor Review Terms and Conditions, Terms of Use or applicable law.

Note that Zola also reserves the right to remove any review that meets the above criteria without receiving a formal dispute request. Please see our Vendor Review Terms and Conditions for more details.

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