Paula held a meetup at a concert at Jumpin' Jacks in August 2022. Shannon finally got up the courage to ask her out at her meetup's holiday party in November 2022. They met for lunch right before Shannon was to fly to Minneapolis for Thanksgiving. After his return, they went to Hartford, CT to see Christmas on the Rocks. Their mutual love of travel and live performances will be part of the glue that ties this union.
Alaska and Hawai'i have been standouts on our travel journey. Milwaukee and repeated trips to Hartford have us questioning where we want to retire. A long 4 day sojourn to West Virginia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Cleveland was a lot of fun. Las Vegas, San Francisco, Seattle, Dallas, Albuquerque, Nashville, and New Orleans are places we can't wait to visit. We're looking forward to a pair of 2-3 month long trips to Europe and Asia when Shannon retires.
Maid of Honor
Best Woman
Flower Girl