
Megan & Tanner

    Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Julia Byrnes

Maid of Honor

As the sister of the bride, I have been forced to know Megan my whole life. We spent almost every minute together growing up, constantly competing with one another, watching Hannah Montana, and giving our parents a headache. Megan has always made life fun, whether it’s us fighting about silly things or blasting music on the way home from swim practice. I am graduating from Virginia Tech, where I majored in Computational and Systems Neuroscience, and hope to attend medical school in the near future

Chase Beason

Best Man

I am the older, wiser brother of the groom. We’ve known each other a long time. Our relationship was forged as intense rivals on Nerf basketball hoops, Mario Cart racetracks, ping pong tables, and more recently golf courses. Over the years I have also served as his roommate, chauffeur, training partner, and tax attorney. I was apprehensive when Tanner moved to California and traded in his khakis for joggers. I didn’t think he’d last very long away from our mother and Bojangles. But it’s been 8 years since he left, and things have worked out pretty well for him… It takes a Best Man to admit when he’s wrong, and I am that Best Man. I also left NC last year and moved to Denver, CO with my girlfriend Hannah and our dog Toby. We enjoy all the things that the groom hates - hiking, camping and being outside city limits. I can’t wait to celebrate Tanner and Megan later this year!

Sydney Beason


Commonly known as Tanner’s favorite (and only - but that’s irrelevant) sister! Master of malapropisms, occasionally clumsy, and always the happy target of my brothers’ jokes. Like Megan and some of the other bridesmaids, I was also a competitive swimmer. My career peaked when I was disqualified in my first meet for putting my feet down on the bottom of the pool after my flip turn at the young age of seventeen. Megan so quickly became the sister I never had growing up with only brothers. I finally have someone that enjoys basking in the sun on vacation and long morning runs with constant conversation. Her hand-me-down clothes when her closet gets full are a great bonus. I can’t wait to finally have another girl officially join the family and couldn’t imagine a better one than Megan. When I’m not at the wedding, you can find me living in Charlotte, NC working in Clinical Research.

Jona Hover


Jona and Tanner met in high school when Jona ventured over to North Carolina from Germany to live with the Beason family for a semester. His presence added to the chaos around games of ping pong and mario kart. Chase and Tanner spent months teaching him American customs, like eating Bojangles and throwing a football.

Taylor Heitman


It’s no exaggeration to say Megan and I have been friends for our entire lives - we were born only 10 days apart, and I’ve been lucky enough to have her in my life ever since. From acting in our kindergarten circus play together (I was the seal, and she was the seal trainer), to having her be one of my bridesmaids, we have shared so many special moments together over the years, and I can’t wait to be there as she and Tanner begin their marriage. I currently live in Arlington, VA, and I work as a software engineer for Appian. I also enjoy reading and rock climbing!

Bryce Marion


Hey my name is Bryce and I’ve been fortunate to know Tanner and Megan for the better part of 8 years. Some may even give me credit for us all being together today. The genesis of Tanner and I’s relationship is rooted in my constantly beating him in small sided games during training, which he took in stride - they say rivalries make for the best friendships. I grew up all around the world, living in places like Anchorage, Alaska and Stavanger, Norway but currently call San Francisco home. My favorite food is ice cream and I love being in the front row at live music events.

Ashley Rauch


Known the bride since I was born and consider her a sister. Growing up, Megan and I spent every weekend and celebrated every holiday together, spending most of our time laughing. Currently attending Syracuse University, playing soccer and majoring in Finance and Business Analytics.

Drew Skundrich


Tanner and Drew first met when Tanner went on his official visit to Stanford and Drew had the honor of hosting him for the weekend. Tanner slept on the hard floor with a blanket and pillow in between Drew and his defensive lineman roommate. Tanner didn’t complain one bit and was probably grateful for the hospitality. That weekend, complete with fun activities and plentiful please and thank you’s from Tanner, made it known to Drew that Tanner was an incredible human being and they would get along quite well in the future. Since then they’ve shared some great moments and some learning moments, late night trips to Happy Donuts, fun games and terrible dancing at get togethers, a lovely summer suite on campus, and, more recently, coffee/tea catch ups along with Drew’s wife Andi (huge Tanner and Megan fan) and the lovely future Mrs. Beason.

Jacqueline Keene


Best friend of the bride since high school. Living on opposite sides of the country for the last 6 years hasn’t stopped me from calling for advice, FaceTiming to share my latest embarrassing moment, or hopping on a plane for our next adventure. You can usually find me trying to pretend I’m in shape when working out with Megan and reminding her it’s okay to also have fun on vacation. I’m currently living in Boston, MA; always saving up for my next adventure to visit the bride and groom in CA and trying to recruit Tanner for the New England Revolution.

Adam Mosharrafa


I met Tanner at Stanford where we both played soccer, standing beside each other on the back four ✊. I’m honored to stand beside him again as he marries the love of his life. Currently, I work as a software engineer in the Bay Area while my wife Angela is a pediatric resident at Stanford. Tanner aka Trey Songz aka TB3 and I have grown close over many games of Catan, endless quotes from “The Office”, mutual taste in lululemon ABC pants, and late night double boba runs. But ultimately the pillar of our friendship, much to the chagrin of Megan and Angela, is our shared love for dad jokes. And take it from me, if you find someone who can endure them, marry her.

Allie Szekely


Megan and I met at swim camp when we were 13 years old and some may say we have been inseparable ever since. In addition to swimming together in college, we also took 24 classes together throughout our four years. From the late-night study sessions to the endless weekends spent in the library, Megan helped me get through some of the most confusing (and boring) classes that exist, and there’s no one else I would have rather spent 90% of my time with. You can now find Megan and me going on hikes in the area, traveling to fun places to watch the Earthquakes play, or simply enjoying some pizza at 2am when we said we were going to bed at 10pm.

Jack Skahan


I’m Tanner's fellow southerner on the Earthquakes. When we were drafted, Tanner was already a native Californian. I was far from it. I think we initially bonded over my constantly asking why everything seemed so backwards. In the early stages of our time with the quakes, it was obvious we didn’t belong (we didn’t speak Spanish). A few years later, Tanner can speak Spanish, I cannot. That about sums it up. We lived together our rookie season, and when COVID happened we had to find something else to do — “you wanna go to the range?”. So yes, I take full credit for getting Tanner onto the golf course. Although I’m still pissed he beat me in the Final Four my freshman season at UNC, our relationship has been a pillar to my life the last few years. Can’t wait for the wedding.

Emalia Eichelberger


College roommate of the bride! Often found in the kitchen cooking up a storm or losing her phone. To the bride, she is a fellow aqua person (although MUCH slower), shopping partner in crime, and very dear friend. Currently living the dolce vita in Rome, Italy while playing pro waterpolo for SIS Roma.

Amir Bashti


Tanner and I are college roommates, teammates, and good mates. As a Bay Area native, capiTan instilled some much needed east coast discipline into my laid back life. Don’t be fooled, we still shared many fun times on and off the pitch and you don’t want to let him loose on the dance floor, especially at KSig or KA! All jokes aside, he’s a class act and strong role model who’s helped shape the man I strive to be. I still remember when he told me about that cool swimmer from class who turned out to be his wonderful match. Now we get to witness their bond continuously strengthen, so pumped for him and Megan!

Ashley Volpenhein


Former college teammate, current colleague and friend of the bride. From swim practices, training trips, and darties, to investment meetings, business trips, and happy hours, you can find Megan and me just about anywhere together - including jumping in the pool for Stanford Master’s swim practice at 5 AM! Originally from Cincinnati, OH and living in San Francisco, CA.

Charlie Furrer


Charlie and Tanner became friends at Stanford, where they played soccer together for four years. He lives in San Francisco and enjoys long walks on the beach, a good book, and consistently losing to the groom in Catan.

Katie Drabot


Friend and former teammate of the bride. Met when we were 13 at *SURPRISE* a swim meet. Often found talking about my dog or telling you a story I’ve probably told you 100 times before. Up until July of 2022, you could find me being forced into an “easy” workout class or grabbing food with Megan, but since then, I’ve moved to Minneapolis, MN, to be closer to family and work as an embryologist (or baby maker as some like to call it) at an IVF clinic.



Jen Peterson


Jen and Megan met through their jobs at Stanford and quickly went from work besties to life besties. You can find Megan and Jen hiking the Dish, chilling by the pool, or cheering on the Earthquakes! Currently living in Palo Alto, CA.



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