August 22, 2024
Ravello, Italy

Kristyn & Martin







August 22, 2024

Ravello, Italy
46 days46 d5 hours5 h3 minutes3 min29 seconds29 s

Our Love Story

“Martin, what’s your favorite thing about Kristyn. Kristyn, same question to you about Martin.” Abby, Kristyn’s maid of honor, yells over the music. All three of them stand in the kitchen of Kevin’s Vancouver home. Kristyn and Martin lock eyes while Abby stands excitedly waiting for the answer. For anyone that knows Abby, they know that this isn’t a trick question. Abby loves love, and she’ll take any opportunity to draw out a couple's favorite moments together. Martin answers first in his characteristic even keeled tone with a hint of bashfulness permeating his voice, “Well, I don’t think I verbalize this to Kristyn often, if ever, but the best part of every day is seeing her. When I come home from work, I’m exhausted. I’m drained. My energy is spent. But every day when I come home from work, she cavorts with me as if she was seeing me for the first time in a month. She radiates joy and I’m lucky to be in her orbit each and every day.” Kristyn stares at Martin in disbelief, thinking that he most certainly has never verbalized that to her, and realizing just how much he really sees her. She can’t remember what she was going to say because she’s so thrown off. Her instinct is to always tell a grand story, to think of the most amazing thing her partner has ever done. But in this moment, she speaks from instinct, from the heart. “My favorite thing about Martin is his quiet love. And frankly, I hated it at first. I expected more words of affirmation, more praise. I expected him to tell me how beautiful I am at a moment's notice and verbally tell me what he loved about me every day. Instead, he shows me he loves me so many times a day. It starts in the morning, when he kisses me on the forehead every single weekday at 6:28am on the dot before he goes to work. Whenever Martin hits the brakes in the car, his arm instinctually flies across my chest - making sure I’m safe in the passenger seat. I once opened his laptop to see a google search for gluten free options at the restaurant we were going to; he was checking to make sure I had options and something to eat, without telling me he had done so. He thinks of me before he thinks of himself, and to me, that’s love.” This moment, this evening, is an encapsulation of everything Martin and Kristyn hold most dearly; being surrounded by friends from across the country, holding space to reflect on the life they’re building, enjoying amazing food while house music plays in the background. … In late August of 2024, overlooking the blue water of the Amalfi Coast, Kristyn and Martin are re-creating their favorite space - one together, one with you. They are both fiercely passionate about the art of exploring new corners of the world together, which is why they’ve chosen a destination wedding. Both Kristyn and Martin have seen the impact of travel on their personal evolution - Kristyn attributes the start of her personal development journey to her time spent studying abroad in Hamburg, Germany and later in Segovia, Spain. Martin similarly transformed during his year studying abroad in Bordeaux, France (his biggest shift was from baggy XL jeans and gold stud earrings to fitted chinos and crisp white sneakers - but that's a whole other story) Aside from a love of traveling, Kristyn and Martin’s choice of a secluded, two-day celebration reflects a desire to immerse themselves and their guests in a meaningful experience, free from the distractions of daily life. It is an intentional act, fostering connection, forging new memories, and strengthening the bonds that tie their community together. Kristyn and Martin recognize the effort it takes for all of you to make the journey to Ravello, Italy for this celebration. With a whole lot of gratitude in their hearts, Martin and Kristyn appreciate you - whether you will be there or not. For those able to attend - get ready to party.

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