
Caitlin & Joshua



Joshua Beckwith


Caitlin Hudgins

September 29, 2024

Bowdon, GA
20 days20 d23 hours23 h44 minutes44 min19 seconds19 s

How we met!

February 2024

Josh and Caitlin met through Caitlin’s mother, Melinda! Josh and Melinda worked together at Sherwin Williams. A few months before Josh and Caitlin met Melinda contacted Josh about taking her daughter out on a date. At that time they both had just got out of relationships and both weren’t ready for dating yet. After they both had time to work on themselves Josh reached out to Melinda asking if Caitlin was still single and if she was he would like to take her out on a date! Melinda gave Josh Caitlin’s photography Instagram and he messaged Caitlin. He messaged “hey Caitlin would you be interested in taking my pictures”. Melinda had already talked to Caitlin about him reaching out so she knew why he was really reaching out. So after over thinking it for a day she messaged him back and played along with what he was asking. Then Josh introduced himself and asked to take her out. They went out on a date 6 days later. Although Melinda was the vessel they know that God brought them together!

The Proposal

October 29th 2023

Joshua and Caitlin knew from very early on in their relationship that they were going to get married. So Joshua got the ring in June and held on to it for four months. Caitlin already planned a couples trip to Birmingham, Alabama with her best friend, Journee and their significant others for a comedy show. Joshua and Journee began to plan out the proposal. Since they already had the perfect excuse to be all together they decided to do it on the Birmingham trip. Journee then asked if Caitlin could do fall pictures of her and her fiancé in Birmingham and said she could take some of Joshua and Caitlin also. So the plan was set. Joshua asked Caitlin’s mother and Father for permission to marry her. They of course said yes. Then the trip came around and on Sunday they were going to the comedy show so they would be dressing up for the “fall pictures” and the comedy show that day. Journee and her fiancé had looked for places to “take pictures” the day before and found a beautiful place. They all went to this place Journee had found and there was a wedding going on there so we had to find a different location and Caitlin had wanted to take pictures at the Botanical Gardens so she suggested that. They went through the Botanical Gardens taking pictures everywhere. Journee was trying to find a secluded place so that it was a private moment. Then she gave Joshua the signal and Journee set Caitlin up to be turned around away from Joshua. Joshua got down on one knee and Caitlin turned around and he asked her to marry him! Caitlin’s mother and mothers best friend (whom is like an aunt to Caitlin) came out of hiding and was there to watch the whole thing. It was a perfect proposal!

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