5:00 pm - 11:00 pm
Cocktail Attire: Wear cocktail dresses, LBDs, dressy jumpsuits, and dark jackets and slacks.
The ceremony and reception will be outdoors - so plan accordingly. :)
Best Man
Ryan (Brett) Tidwell, winner of Duncanville’s “Cutest Baby” competition circa 1988, was first exposed to Jamie circa the year 2000. Fast forward 23 years. Brett, now “Cutest Man” of Little Elm, TX, proprietor of big business, and lover of cats, has been a mainstay in Jamie’s life for…wait, the entire time. There’s no person that Jamie is prouder of and no person who he'd be more proud to stand next to on him and Morgan’s day.
Best Man
Morgan's other soulmate. Brison and Morgan met when Morgan had her first interview with Kimley-Horn in December 2016. They briefly thought they may be related after both sharing they were going to their cousins' weddings that weekend, but no dice. Even though they aren't related by blood, they are definitely the twins from The Shining.
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