
Heidi & Navin



Navin Mani


Heidi Chamula

#takethemaniandrun marryingformani

September 6, 2024

Chicago, IL

Note about Schedule

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How We Met

August 10, 2018

Navin came from Worcester, MA to Philly one weekend to visit one of his best friends, Samir, who also happened to be in the same Internal Medicine residency as Heidi at the time. Samir messaged the resident group chat asking if anyone wanted to hang out that night. Everyone met up in Fishtown (one of Philly's neighborhoods where Heidi and Navin now live) and Heidi and Navin hit it off pretty quickly. They chatted and joked most of the night, and at the end of the night, Navin asked for Heidi's number. Heidi was pretty busy with her ICU rotation at the time so when Navin texted her to hang out the next day, she gave him some Philly recommendations but politely declined. After that weekend Navin went back to Worcester where he was in anesthesia residency at UMass Hospital. Despite being 200+ miles apart and pretty busy with residency, they kept in touch over the next month via text message and social media. One weekend Navin texted Heidi that he was coming back to Philly to "visit Samir." It turned out that Samir was coincidentally busy most of the weekend so Navin asked Heidi if she wanted to hang out instead. Heidi said absolutely she would, and planned a whole day out in Philly. They started off getting brunch at Heidi's favorite brunch spot, Parc Rittenhouse, and then headed to the Mutter museum, a medical museum of pathology. At the end there were different labeled buckets to return your passes. To Navin's disappointment Heidi panicked and put hers in the one labeled "bucket list" instead of the one labeled "date." Despite this little hiccup they spent the entire day together and had such a blast, Heidi went to visit Navin in Worcester a month later. He gave her one of his favorite hoodies and the rest is history! (Navin has since reclaimed his hoodie)

The proposal


It was a TOTAL surprise- Heidi and Navin got engaged 12/29/22 after they’d been together for 4 years. They were both 100% sure they were getting engaged/married at some point, Navin knew what kind of ring Heidi liked and sneakily got her ring size by having her friend Katrina make her try on her wedding ring a few months before. But Heidi had NO idea it was happening that day or anytime soon- he asked if she could switch her overnight call shift during the week so that they could “go to dinner just us” before the new year. She didn’t think anything of it and made the switch. It was Thursday and Heidi had to work during the day but Navin was off that day because he was post call. He told her to get ready for dinner when she got home from work and wouldn’t tell her where they were going. While Heidi was getting ready she was asking Navin his opinion on things like, heels or no heels, which color lipstick, etc not really expecting real answers because he never has an opinion on those things- but that night he was like yes heels! Red lipstick! Still she was literally clueless. Navin told Heidi to come up to their rooftop patio when she finished getting ready because he “wanted to show her something Lila did.” Heidi thought Lila pooped on the roof or something and complained about going up there at first because it was cold outside and she would have to go downstairs to get her jacket and heels. She was just going to put a sweatshirt on over her dress and wear slippers but Navin insisted she go down and get her “nice coat and heels” because they would “be up there for a minute.” At this point Heidi was finally getting suspicious- Navin ran up to the roof while she went to get her heels and jacket and for a second she had a thought like - is he going to propose? No it’s a random Thursday and why would he do it now. But sure enough when Heidi got to the roof there were rose petals, candles, bottles of champagne, their song “So into you” by Tamia playing and a camera set up. The weather was actually amazing that night for December and their view of the skyline was perfect. Later Heidi also found out Navin spent most of that day gluing each rose petal to the ground so they didn’t blow away. Afterwards they celebrated at one of their favorite Philly restaurants, aKitchen.

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