Our relationship began on Valentine's Day. From the beginning, we saw the Lord's hand in drawing us together and deepening our love for one another. We often ponder in amazement at how similar our growing-up years 5 in the rigorous work of farm life. And we share common life values and interests, a love for the Lord, and an earnest desire to influence others for Christ. We both had very special first marriages — living decades with spouses who walked with God and built us up in the Lord. We both suffered the grief of being emotionally torn asunder by their passing on to be with the Lord. And we lived in loneliness until God's timing for bringing us together. A few months into our growing relationship, we knew God was stirring our hearts to love again. Mike was attracted to Elaine as he saw her very sensitive relationship with the Lord, her eager seeking of Him for direction in all areas of her life, and her out-focused view of people, always wanting to make a difference in the lives of others. In no time, he also noticed her highly competent administrative skills and heart to serve others. Furthermore, Mike is not shy about mentioning his attraction to Elaine's beautiful blue eyes, youthful appearance, and joyful countenance. Elaine valued Mike’s genuine and growing walk with the Lord, his strong calling to and passion for his ministry, and his continued commitment to his special needs daughter, Audrey, and her care. Furthermore, she easily recognized his gifts of encouragement and teaching. We are grateful for the work that God has done in our lives to prepare us for this new season. Whether you are present to celebrate with us or doing so from afar, thank you for your prayers and for rejoicing with us.