
Christina & David


Christina Gearhart


David Deans

October 31, 2024

Chandler, AZ
52 days52 d23 hours23 h17 minutes17 min3 seconds3 s

How We Met

Valentine's Day is for suckers!

David’s first impression of Christina was a moment that the both of them remember fondly, taking place back in 2020, when they were employed at Experis, working on a top secret project for Microsoft. It was Valentines Day, and David was begrudgingly accepting his single status, fully prepared for another year as a bachelor, with no prospects on the horizon. Christina herself was dealing with a lack of love in her prior relationships, and came up with a fun idea and a catchphrase to have some fun that Valentines. The first words she ever said to him came with an open bag of Tootsie-Pop’s, pink and red to match the day; “Do you want one? After all, Valentines Day is for suckers.” David laughed and gladly partook. He’d seen this blue-haired girl around he office a few times and had indeed noticed her, but hadn’t had an opportunity to talk to her properly. With this moment and core memory formed, he would certainly be paying far more attention.

The Proposal

Ren Faire 2023

At first, David was hesitant to start a serious relationship, seeing as how his last one had been a long-term, arduous failing. He’d been hurt and therefore gun shy to even pull the trigger on labeling their relationship as ‘Boyfriend and Girlfriend’. Christina didn’t give up on him, and she encouraged him with kindness and patience. Once he took the dive, however, there was not a single regret. This did set the precedent where Christina would take the lead, ushering his wounded heart through the trials of courting a new long-lasting relationship. Enter the Renaissance Faire 2023. They had dressed up in silly costumes and went with friends Dan, Kelly and Nick to go spend a day in the sun and with good company. Little did David suspect that the day was far bigger than just a good time. After seeing Dead Bob and the Tortuga Twins, many hours into their adventures, Christina surprised David with a momentous drop to the knee, presenting to him a shining ring nestled into a 3D Printed Ring-Pop. Sunburnt, and kneeling in rocks, she asked him, “Will you marry me?” David was speechless, never being on the receiving end of such a massive display of love, affection, and enduring patience. He, of course, said yes. That wasn’t the start of their journey together, initiated with a sucker, and even proposed to by another. While Valentines may be for suckers, their love for each other is Everlasting.

For all the days along the way
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