In the bustling halls of the Space Language Academy in 2018, amidst the flurry of students eager to learn English, two souls found each other in an unexpected encounter. She, with her radiant smile and a passion for adventure, caught his attention from across the room. He, with his quiet charm and intellect, sparked her curiosity. As they exchanged words and laughter, it became evident that they shared more than just a language class. They discovered a myriad of common interests, from their favorite books to their love for travel and exploration. What began as a friendship quickly blossomed into something deeper, as they found solace and joy in each other's company. However, their budding romance faced an unforeseen challenge with the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite the physical distance imposed by lockdowns and restrictions, their bond only grew stronger. They endured countless nights of longing, yearning to hold each other close. There were moments of frustration, arguments fueled by the distance between them, and misunderstandings that tested their patience. Yet, through it all, they never lost sight of the love they shared. Separated by miles and time zones, they found solace in their mutual respect and understanding. They learned to communicate openly and honestly, bridging the gap between them with unwavering trust and commitment. And though they couldn't be together in person as often as they wished, they cherished every stolen moment, every virtual embrace shared through a screen. Their love, forged in the fires of distance and adversity, emerged stronger than ever. As they stand on the precipice of a new chapter in their lives, they carry with them the lessons learned and the memories made along the way. And with hearts full of gratitude and excitement, they eagerly anticipate the journey that lies ahead: marriage.
အနောက်တိုင်းသားတွေက ပြောတယ် တွဲနံပတ် ၁၃ သောကြာရထားတွေဟာ ကံဆိုးတယ်တဲ့ ကိုယ်ရယ်နေလိုက်ပါတယ် violette ပန်းတွေပွင့်တဲ့ Venus ရဲ့ညနေခင်းတွေ သူတို့ တိတ်တိတ်လေး လွဲချော်သွားပုံရတယ် ဘာသာစကားတခုရဲ့ ဝင်ရိုးမှာ atom ၂ ခု သက်ငြိမ်စွာ ဆုံတယ် ကိုဩဒီနိတ်မှတ်တွေ လွဲခဲ့ပြီးမှ ပေါင်းခြင်းလာတူတာကလည်း ကျေးဇူးတော်ပါပဲ ညအခါ လသာသာမှာ ဟိုးကောင်းကင်က ကြယ်တွေကိုကြည့်ပါ ပြီးတော့ Lionel နဲ့ violette ကို တွေ့ရဖို့ ဝတ်ပြုကြရအောင်လေ ခိုးခိုးခစ်ခစ်ပွင့်ဖတ်တွေကို လွမ်းတယ် အနာဂတ်ကျောပိုးအိတ်ထဲက အိပ်မက်တွေကို တူတူဆွဲထုတ်ကြတာပေါ့ ခေတ်လူ