Annie was born February 1st at 12:33pm. She was 5lbs 14oz and 19.5 inches long. We were scheduled for an induction January 31 (38 weeks and 5 days) at 8pm due to her small physique. We started the induction around 11pm; a little over 12 hours later, she made her appearance!
Annie's first 6 months has been the best adventure. She slept through the night starting at 2 months old. Around 3 months old, she decided to stop taking a pacifier and put herself on a '2 naps a day 2 hours each' schedule. At four months she was obsessed with blowing raspberries. At five months, she started laughing at her goofy parents. She thinks it's funny when you blow on her stomach and kiss her cheeks. She loves watching her dog, Tasha, walk around the house.
Annie's 6 and 7 months have gone by so fast! She can sit by herself and clap. She is very close to crawling, but so far, she can only move backwards and in circles. Silly girl. She is still a very happy girl. She loves music, to travel and meet new people. Months 8 to 12 - TBD
6:00 pm
Want to get together with our out-of-town guests as they come into town as well as our in-town friends and family. :) This is a Korean BBQ restaurant half a mile from the house. Very Family friendly. There is also a brewery (The OG: 2229 N Davidson St) and a food hall (Urban District Market: 2315 N Davidson St) next door if anyone wanted to hop around as well.
2:00 pm
We'll have food catered and drinks will be provided as well. We're looking forward to celebrating our little girl with our friends and family.
11:00 am
For anyone left in town or in the area that wants to pop by for some brunch to continue the celebrations or say our goodbyes.
We'll post our registry here when we're finished building it. Thank you in advance!
Please enter the first and last name of one member of your party below.
If you're responding for you and a guest (or your family), you'll be able to RSVP for your entire group on the next page.